Instead of listing all the dependencies, use the RPM group
'Development Tools' and the builddep tool to find specific

Signed-off-by: Flavio Leitner <>
 Documentation/intro/install/fedora.rst | 54 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 Documentation/intro/install/rhel.rst   | 34 +++++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/intro/install/fedora.rst 
index 3119bd9aa..70cebfb16 100644
--- a/Documentation/intro/install/fedora.rst
+++ b/Documentation/intro/install/fedora.rst
@@ -36,23 +36,43 @@ RHEL 7.x and its derivatives, including CentOS 7.x and 
Scientific Linux 7.x.
 Build Requirements
-To build packages for a Fedora Linux host, you will need the packages described
-in the :doc:`general`. Specific packages (by package name) include:
-- rpm-build
-- autoconf automake libtool
-- systemd-units openssl openssl-devel
-- python2-devel python3-devel
-- python2 python2-twisted python2-zope-interface python2-six python2-sphinx
-- desktop-file-utils
-- groff graphviz
-- procps-ng
-- checkpolicy selinux-policy-devel
-And (optionally):
-- libcap-ng libcap-ng-devel
-- dpdk-devel
+You will need to install all required packages to build the RPMs.
+Newer distributions use ``dnf`` but if it's not available, then use
+``yum`` instructions.
+The command below will install RPM tools and generic build dependencies.
+And (optionally) include these packages: libcap-ng libcap-ng-devel dpdk-devel.
+    $ dnf install @'Development Tools' rpm-build dnf-plugins-core
+    $ yum install @'Development Tools' rpm-build yum-utils
+Then it is necessary to install Open vSwitch specific build dependencies.
+The dependencies are listed in the SPEC file, but first it is necessary
+to replace the VERSION tag to be a valid SPEC.
+The command below will create a temporary SPEC file:
+    $ sed -e 's/@VERSION@/0.0.1/' rhel/ \
+      > /tmp/ovs.spec
+And to install specific dependencies, use the corresponding tool below.
+    $ dnf builddep /tmp/ovs.spec
+    $ yum-builddep /tmp/ovs.spec
+Once that is completed, remove the file ``/tmp/ovs.spec``.
diff --git a/Documentation/intro/install/rhel.rst 
index 0ef6f55a3..184089e89 100644
--- a/Documentation/intro/install/rhel.rst
+++ b/Documentation/intro/install/rhel.rst
@@ -70,17 +70,33 @@ directory is ``/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES``. On RHEL 6, the 
default ``_topdir`` is
 Build Requirements
-To compile the RPMs, you will need to install the packages described in the
-:doc:`general` along with some additional packages. These can be installed with
-the below command::
+You will need to install all required packages to build the RPMs.
+The command below will install RPM tools and generic build dependencies:
+    $ yum install @'Development Tools' rpm-build yum-utils
-    $ yum install gcc make python-devel openssl-devel kernel-devel graphviz \
-        kernel-debug-devel autoconf automake rpm-build redhat-rpm-config \
-        libtool checkpolicy selinux-policy-devel python-sphinx
+Then it is necessary to install Open vSwitch specific build dependencies.
+The dependencies are listed in the SPEC file, but first it is necessary
+to replace the VERSION tag to be a valid SPEC.
-.. note::
-  If python-sphinx package is not available in your version of RHEL, you can
-  install it via pip with 'pip install sphinx'.
+The command below will create a temporary SPEC file:
+    $ sed -e 's/@VERSION@/0.0.1/' rhel/ > /tmp/ovs.spec
+And to install specific dependencies, use yum-builddep tool:
+    $ yum-builddep /tmp/ovs.spec
+Once that is completed, remove the file ``/tmp/ovs.spec``.
+If python-sphinx package is not available in your version of RHEL, you can
+install it via pip with 'pip install sphinx'.
+Open vSwitch requires python 2.7 or newer which is not available in older
+distributions. In the case of RHEL 6.x and its derivatives, one option is
+to install python34 and python34-six from `EPEL`_.
+.. _EPEL:
 .. _rhel-bootstrapping:

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