On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 03:51:34PM -0200, Flavio Leitner wrote:
> No functional change, just fixing coding style.
> Signed-off-by: Flavio Leitner <f...@sysclose.org>

I see from the thread that there's some controversy here.  I think that
there are two aspects to it: technical and nontechnical.  Please allow
me address them separately, starting with the technical side.

The code that later evolved to become OVS originated in 2007 at Nicira.
At the time, support for C99 features was far from universal among the
compilers that seemed potentially important.  Justin and I wrote the
initial coding style document to emphasize portability.  Therefore,
originally it forbid any mid-block declarations as well as other
features with limited portability (e.g. C++ style // comments).

Since then there have been two relevant changes.  First, C99 is becoming
more pervasive across the compiler world.  Second, it's become clear
that OVS really only needs to care about three particular compilers,
which are GCC, Clang, and MSVC, and all of these compilers now support
C99 (and an increasing fraction of C11).

As these changes have occurred, we have been evolving the OVS coding
style too.  Sometimes, the evolution has happened first in the coding
style document (and later migrated to coding practice), and other times,
it has happened in the code itself (and later migrated to the coding
style document).  I think that this slow co-evolution is natural, since
it's rare for someone to go through all the code at once and update the
style to match changes to the coding style document.

Sometimes, OVS has only half-embraced new coding style features enabled
by compiler advancements.  Mid-block declarations are an example.  I've
been writing C code since 1992 or so (and I hope I'm getting better at
it!) but I've only been able to rely on portable support for mid-block
declarations for a few years.  For better or for worse, when in 2014
Jarno proposed that we allow mid-block declarations in OVS, the fossil
in me, not used to seeing mid-block declarations in C, made me
reluctant.  You can see that, originally, Jarno proposed simply allowing
mid-block declarations in his message
https://mail.openvswitch.org/pipermail/ovs-dev/2014-May/284130.html.  In
a reply, Ethan and I were the one who pushed back, with my "I'm still
really nervous about this one (I think it often uglifies code)..." and
Ethan's "...The reason is that most of the code doesn't do these things,
and there's a value in consistency."

Since 2014, I feel that the balance has shifted.  We have increased the
amount of code that uses mid-block declarations.  My increasing
familiarity with the style has reduced my misgivings, and even caused me
to embrace them: I really like the reduced potential for use of
uninitialized data by being able, far more often, to declare and
initialize a variable at the same time.  Most importantly for me
personally, this save time in code review, since I spend less time
flicking my eyes and scrolling my window back and forth between
declaration and use to reassure myself that initialization precedes use.
I still see some potential for ugliness, but the practical virtues of
mid-block declarations usually outweigh them.

What I'm saying here is, "I was wrong."  I honestly forgot we had
anything in the coding style document that discouraged mid-block
declarations.  I like consistency between code and documentation but I
believe that the right thing to do here is to update the coding style
document, by removing anything that discourages mid-block declarations.
Now I use them pervasively and I want to encourages others to do so too.

That's my long, rambling defense of mid-block declarations.  The other
technical issue here is about whether && and || should be at the
beginning or end of a line.  The coding style document, intentionally,
does not take an explicit position on this, and I did not realize that
the examples in the document are biased toward putting them at the
beginning of the line.  OVS uses a mix of positions.  I personally tend
to put them at the beginning of a line because I have a long history of
writing code in the GNU coding style, which mandates this positioning,
but others feel exactly the opposite (for example I believe that kernel
style favors end-of-line positioning).  This is a debate that frankly I
don't care much for and I'd prefer to leave it as a matter to individual
taste.  (This is also why the coding style document gives some freedom
in the positioning of /* and */ in comment blocks: there is a range of
viewpoints on this and I think the answer doesn't matter.)  If
necessary, I favor adding an explicit statement to the document saying
that lines may be split before or after binary operators.  (On the other
hand I do prefer ? and : at the beginning of a line.)

I believe that there is also a nontechnical aspect here.  I think that
might take a different email to address.  Let me see what I can do.
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