     I tried to use QoS meters in OVSSwitch v2.8.1. Initially, I keep getting 
the INVALID_METER error whenever I would add a meter using the command: 

        ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-meter br0 
Then, I ran the command ovs-vsctl set Bridge s1 datapath_type=netdev and I no 
longer got the error. I am now able to add meters and upon checking whether the 
rate control is being applied, I found out that in UDP, it behaved as expected. 
However, in TCP, the iperf result become substantially lower.
Example: if TCLink bandwidth was set to 5 Mbps, no meters sets yet, iperf would 
return only 179 Kbps when I set s1's datapath_type to netdev. Why does this 
happen? Is something wrong with my configuration? 
Thank you in advance for the reply.
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