On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 02:30:35PM -0700, Han Zhou wrote:
> Thanks Ben for taking effort on this. We'll do more tests the way you
> suggested. Here I have just one more detail of our test scenario, which
> might (or not) help on reproducing the problem:
> In our test we create lport in 100 batch size with a single ovn-nbctl
> command (i.e. one transaction), and then bind each of the new lports on a
> random HV. After all these 100 lports are bound, we do ovn-nbctl wait-until
> logical_switch_port <port> up=true for each lport. After all lport is up in
> NB, we continue with next batch. Not sure if this has anything to do with
> the problems, but it is how we tested :)

It seems like a reasonable way to test, to me.  My testing is using
batches of 50 also.
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