Hi Ben,

Thank you very much for reviewing the patches and the summary of the
problems and proposals! Please see my comments inline.

On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 11:15 AM, Ben Pfaff <b...@ovn.org> wrote:
> To review the problem we're trying to solve, ovn-controller uses too
> much CPU in many circumstances because it recomputes everything on every
> iteration on the main loop.  That includes when it wakes up for any
> reason, e.g. in response to a timer, or to an "ovs-appctl" command, or
> to respond to an "echo request" probing whether an OpenFlow or OVSDB
> connection is still up.  In even a medium-sized network, this is a lot
> of work and can easily lead to ovn-controller using 100% of a CPU
> without doing significant valuable work.
> The solution, as you and others have noticed, is to recompute only when
> an input has changed.  This can be done on at least three different
> granularities:
> 1. Whole system.  Recompute everything if any input changed.
> 2. Coarsely granular.  Recompute intermediate data and output data,
>    defined, if their respective inputs changed.
> 3. Finely granular.  Recompute individual rows (etc.) of intermediate or
>    data if their individual inputs changed.
> The 2016 patches from Ryan Moats were mostly #1 with some #2, and, Han,
> as I see it your patch series is mostly #2 with some #3.
> Ryan Moats' series was eventually reverted because it was not correct and
> not be confidently fixed or maintained.  In turn, this was because it was
> difficult to figure out each calculation's actual dependencies.  This was
> fact difficult even for #1, let alone #2.
> Your new patch series uses a much more systematic approach to
> dependencies, since it uses a formal incremental processing engine to
> propagate changes through a DAG of computations.  However, assuming that
> it is correct as is, I am concerned that it will eventually suffer from
> the same problem.
> The way I see it, the incremental computation systems that have been
> so far are analogous to a Makefile that explicitly lists all of the .h
> that each .c file includes (directly or indirectly).  If you've ever
> a Makefile that works this way, you know that it's difficult to get it
right at
> the start and that it is essentially impossible to keep it correct as a
> evolves.  That's why every modern build system computes header file
> dependencies automatically as a side effect of compilation.  Similarly, I
> see a realistic way that we can keep these dependencies correct as
> ovn-controller evolves.
> So, I've been spending some time thinking about how we can come up with
> ovn--controller equivalent of automatic dependency computation.  My
> thinking is that we need to adopt a more functional programming attitude
> That is, any given part of the ovn-controller computation should only be
> as input the data that it actually needs, and as output the data
> that it produces.  This will give us the opportunity to make sure that the
> input and the dependencies are in sync.  Ideally, we'd be able to tie
> together in the code, so that passing a piece of data into a computation
> function automatically makes that a dependency from the engine's

Agree. While I don't think it is totally unrealistic, but it is indeed my
biggest concern how to ensure the dependencies are correctly maintained in
the longer term. It was a manual and tedious process for me (although it
helped me to get better understanding of the whole implementation, as a
personal benefit) to figure out the dependencies, by looking at the
parameters passed to those xxx_run() functions, and also check carefully
the global variables, and specially, the OVSDB tables they might be using.
If I miss anything, or in the future some contributor miss updating the
dependency graph when they should, it will result in problem. It would be
great if we have a mechanism to self-describe the dependency from code and
then deduce the dependencies automatically (or it might be good enough to
still adding dependency manually, but relying on detecting and warning for
missing dependencies during make). I have no concrete idea of the
implementation though, any detailed suggestion would be helpful.

> Currently, we're pretty far from being able to do this.  Most of the state
> computation functions in ovn-controller receive pointers to the OVSDB and
> IDLs (via struct controller_ctx), which means that they can read and write
> anything in any part of those databases, and even if they don't now it's
> to carelessly add new ones.  To pass only a function's actual
dependencies into
> it, we will need to pass, at a minimum, individual tables into a function
> rather than entire databases.  This is more difficult than it sounds,
> the OVSDB IDL doesn't have a way to pass around a table.  Thus, some
steps to
> take here, starting from the easiest:
> 1. Add some ability for the IDL to pass around tables.  Exact mechanism
>    obvious yet.

We need to consider the index usage, too, which also requires passing the

> 2. Add some ability for the IDL to pass just part of a table, e.g.
>    columns, to make dependencies more specific.  This would also make it
>    possible to control dependencies related to hopping from one table to
>    another via pointers in the table's columns.

I am not sure how would this help for the "hopping" case. If node N depends
on column C1 and C2 of table T. Assume C2 refers to table T2. If node N's
compute function accesses T2's data, how would this access be controlled by
the mechanism?

> (Not every input comes from an OVSDB instance.  Other input sources tend
to be
> easier to deal with.  I don't know of specific problems there yet.)

It seems to me really no other input sources related to flow computing. Do
you have anything in mind?
> There's another issue related to OVSDB.  Currently ovn-controller only
> OVSDB transactions when there is not already a transaction in flight.
> causes trouble for the interaction between some parts of ovn-controller
> only do their work when they can compose a transaction and parts that
need to
> keep track of individual changes in tables ("change tracking") because
> tracking only keeps the changes for a single main loop iteration.  Thus,
> tracking changes can be missed if there's a transaction outstanding.  It
> like there should be a way to solve this problem by always allowing a
> transaction to be composed (and probably just discarding the transaction
> some cases).

Current patch handles this situation by forcing a full recompute in next
iteration immediately. Being able to either always compose a transaction or
keep track of changes across iterations would avoid the unnecessary
recomputes. This is about a further performance improvement rather than
correctness, so I don't see it urgent for now.

> I'm currently working on step #1 above, to make dependencies easier to
track by
> passing individual tables into functions.  At that point, I think that the
> incremental processing engine makes a lot of sense.

This is great! Looking forward to the updates and let me know anything else
needed from my side. Thanks again.

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