I have been playing with the OFTest framework off and on over the last
few months and I believe it's caught an actual bug with its
DirectVlanPackets test.  I'm appending a script that demonstrates it.
To see it, run "make sandbox" then execute the script inside it.

At some level at least, the problem is in dpif-netdev, which during the
test logs messages like this indicating that a datapath flow can't be
found and therefore can't be modified:

    WARN|dummy@ovs-dummy: failed to put[modify] (No such file or
    directory) ufid:b2fe59af-26bd-4aa0-960e-fd559dc10c54

It's possible that the caller is screwing up by providing a flow match
different from one in the datapath flow table.  I have not looked at
that question.  But the really strange thing here is that the caller is
providing a ufid and dpif-netdev is ignoring it.  When I make it honor
the ufid, like the following, then the test suddenly starts working.
This seems like a bug to me.

(The following patch is not actually the real fix because the code
should still look at the key if no ufid was provided.)

Any thoughts?



diff --git a/lib/dpif-netdev.c b/lib/dpif-netdev.c
index e322f5553fa8..4855cc08f7b7 100644
--- a/lib/dpif-netdev.c
+++ b/lib/dpif-netdev.c
@@ -3273,7 +3273,7 @@ dp_netdev_flow_add(struct dp_netdev_pmd_thread *pmd,
 static int
 flow_put_on_pmd(struct dp_netdev_pmd_thread *pmd,
-                struct netdev_flow_key *key,
+                struct netdev_flow_key *key OVS_UNUSED,
                 struct match *match,
                 ovs_u128 *ufid,
                 const struct dpif_flow_put *put,
@@ -3287,7 +3287,7 @@ flow_put_on_pmd(struct dp_netdev_pmd_thread *pmd,
-    netdev_flow = dp_netdev_pmd_lookup_flow(pmd, key, NULL);
+    netdev_flow = dp_netdev_pmd_find_flow(pmd, ufid, NULL, 0);
     if (!netdev_flow) {
         if (put->flags & DPIF_FP_CREATE) {
             if (cmap_count(&pmd->flow_table) < MAX_FLOWS) {

--8<--------------------------cut here-------------------------->8--

#! /bin/sh -ex

# Create a bridge and add port p1 on port 1, p2 on port 2
ovs-appctl vlog/set netdev_dummy dpif
ovs-vsctl --if-exists del-br br0 \
       -- add-br br0 \
       -- add-port br0 p1 -- set interface p1 ofport_request=1 
options:tx_pcap=p1-tx.pcap options:rxq_pcap=p1-rx.pcap \
       -- add-port br0 p2 -- set interface p2 ofport_request=2 
options:tx_pcap=p2-tx.pcap options:rxq_pcap=p2-rx.pcap

# Add a flow that directs some packets received on p1 to p2 and the
# rest back out p1.
# Then inject a packet of the form that should go to p2.  Dump the
# datapath flow to see that it goes to p2 ("actions:2").  Trace the
# same packet for good measure, to also see that it should go to p2.
ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 
ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 priority=0,in_port=1,actions=IN_PORT
ovs-appctl netdev-dummy/receive p1 $packet
ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=p1 $packet
ovs-appctl dpif/dump-flows br0

# Delete the flows, then add new flows that would not match the same
# packet as before.
ovs-ofctl del-flows br0
ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 
ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 priority=0,in_port=1,actions=IN_PORT

# Give the datapath a few seconds to revalidate.
sleep 2

# Now inject the same packet again.  It should go to p1 because it
# only matches the priority-0 flow, as shown by the trace.  However, instead,
# the original datapath flow is still there and its counters get incremented.
ovs-appctl netdev-dummy/receive p1 $packet
ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=p1 $packet
ovs-appctl dpif/dump-flows br0

# Give the datapath some time to expire the flow.
sleep 12

# Try again.
ovs-appctl netdev-dummy/receive p1 $packet
ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=p1 $packet
ovs-appctl dpif/dump-flows br0
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