Hi Ben,

Sure, i will add an option to ls-add itself in v2.
I think we should still keep the command to update "type" after ls creation, 
this will help a user in recovering from wrong config, without a need to 
recreate an ls.



From: Ben Pfaff <b...@ovn.org>
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2018 1:06:20 PM
To: Ankur Sharma
Cc: ovs-dev@openvswitch.org
Subject: Re: [ovs-dev] [PATCH v1 2/3] Vlan Support in ovn, add nbctl commands 
to set network type

On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 01:39:43AM +0000, Ankur Sharma wrote:
> As a part of proposal for distributed virtual routing
> for VLAN networks through OVN, this series has code changes
> for Layer 2.
> [1] 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__mail.openvswitch.org_pipermail_ovs-2Ddev_2018-2DOctober_353066.html&d=DwIBAg&c=s883GpUCOChKOHiocYtGcg&r=mZwX9gFQgeJHzTg-68aCJgsODyUEVsHGFOfL90J6MJY&m=Fnw2ZktcZAtYq-MFTKAPM0FGVrU7UzqxEaO2UmR0kt8&s=DC310K0duLjK8M2T-mul5cpMRb5MY_s3i_jGkJHzU60&e=
> [2] 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1uoQH478wM1OZ16HrxzbOUvk5LvFnfNEWbkPT6Zmm9OU_edit-3Fusp-3Dsharing&d=DwIBAg&c=s883GpUCOChKOHiocYtGcg&r=mZwX9gFQgeJHzTg-68aCJgsODyUEVsHGFOfL90J6MJY&m=Fnw2ZktcZAtYq-MFTKAPM0FGVrU7UzqxEaO2UmR0kt8&s=vkb-92WAsBxj42rNT-vC2FbcnO_-jPSp0-y-0TcVbPQ&e=
> This Series:
> a. Changes in OVN NB Schema to introduce a logical switch type.
> b. Changes in ovn-nbctl to configure a logical switch type.
> c. Changes in ovn-northd to process and save a logical switch type.
> Adding a logical switch type would be helpful in following:
> a. Debugging, since VLAN backed logical switch is dependent on
>    localnet ports, hence basic validations like localnet port
>    configured or not etc., can be done with ease.
> b. Helps with Layer 3 implementation
> (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__mail.openvswitch.org_pipermail_ovs-2Ddev_2018-2DOctober_353179.html&d=DwIBAg&c=s883GpUCOChKOHiocYtGcg&r=mZwX9gFQgeJHzTg-68aCJgsODyUEVsHGFOfL90J6MJY&m=Fnw2ZktcZAtYq-MFTKAPM0FGVrU7UzqxEaO2UmR0kt8&s=aNkFw9iQxBPAOdB9qsTRtge4ofSDm1I8li3d6LFVvuo&e=).
> This Patch:
> a. By default set network_type as overlay during ls_add handling.
> b. Add a new ovn-nbctl command to set network type of a logical
>    switch.
>    ovn-nbctl ls-set-network-type LS_NAME vlan|overlay
> c. Display network type along with logical switch, for example:
>    # ovn-nbctl ls-list
>    d94d7531-128b-43a2-bff0-56f2aa2ea878 (bar) (type: overlay)
>    531e6f24-f6ae-4ea3-856d-ac986f900770 (foo) (type: vlan)
> d. Unit tests to validate this command
> Signed-off-by: Ankur Sharma <ankur.sha...@nutanix.com>

Usually I'd expect that the network type would be fixed for a given
logical network, rather than changing after it is created.  Thus, I'd
recommend adding an option to ls-add to specify the network type, rather
than a new command.
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