My Bloved Friend

Good day, I'm a citizen of Sudan but currently staying in Burkina Faso. Mynames 
is Miss. Anita Dim Deng. I'm 25years old originated from Sudan. Ibelieve that 
it is better we know each other better because I believe thatany good 
relationship will only last if it is build on trust and mutualunderstanding. my 
father Dr. Dominic Dim Deng was the former minister of(SPLA) affaire and 
special adviser to President SALVA KIIR of South Sudan.
My father Dr. Dominic Dim Deng and my mother including other top 
militaryofficers and also top government officials had been on board when the 
planecrashed on Friday May 02, 2008, you can read more about the crash 
throughthe below website:
listing to what happened After the burial of my father, my uncle conspiredand 
sold my father's properties and left nothing for me, on a faithfulmorning I 
opened my lat father's room which I saw a briefcase and I openedit there I 
found documents in which indicated that my lat father depositedamount of money 
in one of the bank in Burkina Faso in my name as his nextof kin. I travelled to 
Burkina Faso to withdraw the money so that I canstart a better life and take 
care of myself.
On my arrival, the branch manager of the bank whom I met in person told methat 
what my father's instruction to the bank was that the money shouldrelease to me 
only when I am married or if I present a trustee who willhelp me and invest the 
money overseas. I have chosen to contact you and Ibelieve that you will not 
betray my trust on you, though you may wonder whyI so soon revealed myself to 
you without knowing you well, I am convincethat you are the real person to help 
me out.
I will disclose much to you if you can assist me to relocate to yourcountry 
because my wicked uncle has threatened to assassinate me. Theamount involved is 
€ 8.5 Million Euro) with two boxs of Gold I haveconfirmed from the bank in 
Burkina Faso where the Gold was deposited. Youwill also help me to place the 
money in a more profitable business venturein your country.
However you will help me by recommending a nice university in your countryso 
that I can complete my education, it is my intension to compensate youwith 30% 
from the total money for your noble assistance and the balanceshall be my 
capital for establishment after my school.In receipt of your below 
information’s, I will summit a letter ofintroduction to the bank immediately in 
your name as my trustee.
Please read this proposal as urgent and contact me with your information’sbelow:
1. Name In full:...................2. Address:..........................3. 
Nationality:......................4. Age:.................................5. 
Sex..................................6. Occupation: ....................7. 
Marital Status:..................8. Phone..............................
Yours Faithfully,
Miss. Anita Dim Deng.

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