Hi Han,

ovsdb-client backup and restore work as expected. Sorry for the false alarm.
I messed up with the container. When restore the snapshot for nb-db, sb-db is
updated accordingly by ovn-northd.

I think this man page should be updated saying RAFT cluster is also supported
by backup and restore.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Han Zhou <hz...@ovn.org>
> Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 7:19 PM
> To: Tony Liu <tonyliu0...@hotmail.com>
> Cc: Numan Siddique <nusid...@redhat.com>; Han Zhou <hz...@ovn.org>; ovs-
> dev <ovs-dev@openvswitch.org>; ovs-discuss <ovs-disc...@openvswitch.org>
> Subject: Re: [ovs-discuss] [OVN] DB backup and restore
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 7:04 PM Tony Liu <tonyliu0...@hotmail.com
> <mailto:tonyliu0...@hotmail.com> > wrote:
>       Hi,
>       Just update, finally make this snapshot/rollback work for me.
>       The rollback is not live though. Here is what I did.
>       1. Make a snapshot by ovsdb-client. Assuming no ongoing
>          Transactions, and data is consistent on all nodes. The
>          Snapshot can be done on any node. It doesn't include any
>          cluster info. That's probably why the man page says this is
>          for standalone and A/B only. But that cluster info seems
>          not required to restore.
>       2. To rollback/restore, stop services on all nodes, starting
>          from followers to the leader.
>       3. Pick a node as the new leader, copy snapshot to be the DB
>          file. Then start the service. A cluster with new cluster ID
>          will be created. The node will be allocated a new server ID
>          as well.
>       4. On the rest two nodes, remove the DB file, restart service
>          with remote-address pointing to the leader.
>       Now, the new cluster starts working with the rollback data.
> The steps you gave may work, but it is weird. It is better to just
> follow the steps mentioned in this section:
> https://github.com/openvswitch/ovs/blob/master/Documentation/ref/ovsdb.7
> .rst#backing-up-and-restoring-a-database
>       "ovs-client restore" doesn't work for me, not sure why.
>       ====
>       ovsdb-client: ovsdb error: /dev/stdin: cannot identify file type
>       ====
>       I tried to restore the snapshot created by backup, also the
>       Directly copied DB file, neither of them works. Wondering anyone
>       experienced such issue?
> Maybe your command was wrong. Could you share your command line, and the
> version used?
>       To Numan, it would great if you could share the details to use
>       Neutron-ovn-sync-util.
>       Thanks!
>       Tony
>       From: Tony Liu <mailto:tonyliu0...@hotmail.com>
>       Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 4:51 PM
>       To: Numan Siddique <mailto:nusid...@redhat.com> ; Han Zhou
> <mailto:hz...@ovn.org>
>       Cc: Han Zhou <mailto:hz...@ovn.org> ; ovs-dev <mailto:ovs-
> d...@openvswitch.org> ; ovs-discuss <mailto:ovs-disc...@openvswitch.org>
>       Subject: Re: [ovs-dev] [ovs-discuss] [OVN] DB backup and restore
>       Hi Numan,
>       I found this comment you made a few years back.
>       - At neutron-server startup, OVN ML2 driver syncs the neutron
>       DB and OVN DB if sync mode is set to repair.
>       - Admin can run the "neutron-ovn-db-sync-util" to sync the DBs.
>       Could you share the details to try those two options?
>       Thanks!
>       Tony
>       From: Tony Liu<mailto:tonyliu0...@hotmail.com>
>       Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 4:38 PM
>       To: Han Zhou<mailto:hz...@ovn.org>
>       Cc: Han Zhou<mailto:hz...@ovn.org>; ovs-dev<mailto:ovs-
> d...@openvswitch.org>; ovs-discuss<mailto:ovs-disc...@openvswitch.org>
>       Subject: Re: [ovs-dev] [ovs-discuss] [OVN] DB backup and restore
>       Hi,
>       I have another thought after some diggings. Since I am with
>       OpenStack, all networking configurations are from OpenStack.
>       I could snapshot OpenStack MariaDB, restore and run
>       neutron-ovn-db-sync to update OVN DB. Would that be a cleaner
>       solution?
>       BTW, I got this error when restore the OVN DB.
>       ovsdb-client: ovsdb error: /dev/stdin: cannot identify file type
>       The file was created by "backup" command.
>       Thanks!
>       Tony
>       From: Tony Liu<mailto:tonyliu0...@hotmail.com>
>       Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 3:41 PM
>       To: Han Zhou<mailto:hz...@ovn.org>
>       Cc: Han Zhou<mailto:hz...@ovn.org>; ovs-dev<mailto:ovs-
> d...@openvswitch.org>; ovs-discuss<mailto:ovs-disc...@openvswitch.org>
>       Subject: Re: [ovs-dev] [ovs-discuss] [OVN] DB backup and restore
>       Hi,
>       A quick question here. Given this man page.
>       http://www.openvswitch.org/support/dist-docs/ovsdb-client.1.txt
>       It says backup and restore commands are for OVSDB standalone and
>       active-backup databases.
>       Can they be used for RAFT cluster? If not, what would be the
> concern,
>       like inconsistency?
>       If I restore to a follower, is the request going to be forwarded to
> the
>       leader to restore DB for the whole cluster? But I believe it's
> recommended
>       to restore to the leader directly for performance sake.
>       I am going to give it a try anyways, see how it works. Will make
> sure
>       there is no configuration update from OpenStack side while running
> such
>       snapshot and restore process.
>       Thanks!
>       Tony
>       From: Han Zhou<mailto:hz...@ovn.org>
>       Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 12:23 PM
>       To: Tony Liu<mailto:tonyliu0...@hotmail.com>
>       Cc: Han Zhou<mailto:hz...@ovn.org>; ovs-discuss<mailto:ovs-
> disc...@openvswitch.org>; ovs-dev<mailto:ovs-dev@openvswitch.org>
>       Subject: Re: [ovs-discuss] [OVN] DB backup and restore
>       On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 10:56 AM Tony Liu <tonyliu0...@hotmail.com
> <mailto:tonyliu0...@hotmail.com> <mailto:tonyliu0...@hotmail.com
> <mailto:tonyliu0...@hotmail.com> >> wrote:
>       Hi Han,
>       That doc helps. I will run some tests and update here. The use case
> I want
>       to cover is snapshot/rollback and backup/restore.
>       ========
>       Actually, "at-least-once" consistency, because OVSDB does not have
> a session
>       mechanism to drop duplicate transactions if a connection drops
> after the server
>       commits it but before the client receives the result.
>       ========
>       I saw duplicated datapath bindings for the same logical switch once,
> if you
>       recall. This may explain that. The ovn-northd connection to sb-db
> is dropped
>       before receiving the result. So ovn-northd initiates another
> transaction to
>       create datapath binding for the same logical switch.
>       Yes, this is a possibility.
>       However, in reality, this is usually not a problem:
>       1) If DB schema has table keys properly defined, the redundant
> transaction from clients would be rejected by DB server because of key
> constraint check. In the datapath binding case, this doesn't work
> because of the poor definition of the datapath_binding table. It should
> have had "logical_switch_router" column defined and set as a key (in
> addition to the "tunnel_key") instead of storing it in external_ids. The
> duplicated entries would have been avoided. The other tables such as
> port_binding would never have such problem.
>       2) OVSDB clients usually monitors and syncs all (interested) data
> from server to local, so when they do declarative processing, they could
> correct problems by themselves. In fact, ovn-northd does the check and
> deletes duplicated datapaths. I did a simple test and it did cleanup by
> itself:
>       2020-07-30T18:55:53.057Z|00006|ovn_northd|INFO|ovn-northd lock
> acquired. This ovn-northd instance is now active.
>       2020-07-30T19:02:10.465Z|00007|ovn_northd|INFO|deleting
> Datapath_Binding abef9503-445e-4a52-ae88-4c826cbad9d6 with duplicate
> external-ids:logical-switch/router ee80c38b-2016-4cbc-9437-f73e3a59369e
>       I am not sure why in your case north was stuck, but I agree there
> must be something wrong. Please collect northd logs if you encounter
> this again so we can dig further.
>       I see two ways to improve it.
>       1) On client side, if the connection is broken while waiting for
> the result
>          of a transaction, the client checks the transaction state,
> committed or not,
>          when it reconnects to the leader (maybe a different node).
>          Do we have such check today?
>       Clients does check. In this case when transaction was actually
> successful but appears to be failed from client point of view, the check
> doesn't help.
>       2) I see client connection is dropped by the leader when it's busy.
> I don't
>          think this is a good way to control the traffic. The server can
> cache and
>          hold the request when it's busy, or even push back. Dropping
> connection
>          is not a good option. Any thoughts here?
>       The server doesn't make this kind of decisions. It could be simply
> overloaded and disconnected from the cluster, or even worse, a node
> could crash after commiting the transaction.
>       Thanks,
>       Han
>       Thanks!
>       Tony
>       From: Han Zhou<mailto:hz...@ovn.org>
>       Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2020 11:38 PM
>       To: Tony Liu<mailto:tonyliu0...@hotmail.com>
>       Cc: ovs-discuss<mailto:ovs-disc...@openvswitch.org>; ovs-
> dev<mailto:ovs-dev@openvswitch.org>
>       Subject: Re: [ovs-discuss] [OVN] DB backup and restore
>       On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 10:58 PM Tony Liu <tonyliu0...@hotmail.com
> <mailto:tonyliu0...@hotmail.com> <mailto:tonyliu0...@hotmail.com
> <mailto:tonyliu0...@hotmail.com> >> wrote:
>       >
>       > Hi,
>       >
>       >
>       >
>       > There is any guidance to backup and restore OVN nb-db and sb-db?
>       >
>       >
>       >
>       > Is /var/lib/openvswitch/ovn-[ns]b/ovn[ns]b.db the only database
> file?
>       >
>       >
>       >
>       > For 3-node DB cluster, is replication 3 (the data is replicated
> onto
>       >
>       > All 3 nodes)?
>       >
>       >
>       >
>       > Are DB files on 3 nodes identical?
>       >
>       >
>       >
>       > If I stop a DB follower and empty the DB file on the follower
> node,
>       >
>       > when I start it back, is the whole DB going to be replicated to
> it?
>       >
>       >
>       >
>       > To backup the DB, is it OK to copy the DB file from any node,
> assuming
>       >
>       > no transaction ongoing?
>       >
>       >
>       >
>       > Is the following going to work to restore the DB?
>       >
>       > * Stop all 3 DBs.
>       >
>       > * Copy backup DB file to one node, empty DB file on the rest two
> nodes.
>       >
>       > * Bootstrap the node with DB file.
>       >
>       > * Start the rest two nodes to join the cluster.
>       >
>       For ovsdb operations, please refer to "man 7 ovsdb", or here:
> https://github.com/openvswitch/ovs/blob/master/Documentation/ref/ovsdb.7
> .rst
> <https://github.com/openvswitch/ovs/blob/master/Documentation/ref/ovsdb.
> 7.rst>
>       >
>       >
>       > Do I need to restore sb-db as well? Or restore nb-db only and let
>       >
>       > ovn-northd to sync data from nb-db to sb-db. Chassis data should
> be
>       >
>       > updated by onv-controller?
>       >
>       You don't have to restore sb-db. ovn-northd and ovn-controllers
> will sync the data in SB DB.
>       However, it may take quite some time to sync if the scale is large.
>       Also, remember that the mac_binding table in SB will not be
> restored by ovn-controller because it is populated as a result of ARP
> packets handling by ovn-controller. The entries will be generated again
> only if new ARP packets are observed by ovn-controller.
>       >
>       >
>       > I am running scaling test. It takes quite a lot of time to build
>       >
>       > Configurations. Wondering if I can back and restore DB to
> rollback
>       >
>       > to some checkpoint to avoid restart all over.
>       >
>       >
>       >
>       >
>       >
>       > Thanks!
>       >
>       >
>       >
>       > Tony
>       >
>       >
>       >
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