Hi everyone,

If you've paid attention to ovn commits lately, you'll know that we've been putting in a lot of performance improvements. At Red Hat, this is because we've been engaging our scale team to try to help us to figure out bottlenecks in OVN and try to fix problem areas we find. As a happy coincidence, OVN developers from outside Red Hat have also been submitting fantastic optimizations lately.

Currently, ovn-21.09's soft freeze is scheduled for the end of this week (13 August). However, the Red Hat scale team has scheduled time through 3 September for running large-scale tests. This effectively means that if we delayed until then, we could put even more optimizations into ovn-21.09 than we could if we were to soft-freeze now.

If we were to delay soft freeze until 3 September, then that would mean branching 2 weeks from then (17 September) and then releasing 2 weeks after that (1 October). This puts us releasing more-or-less one month later than the published schedule in the repository.

If this sort of delay would cause issues for developers, users, or organizations, please speak up. If anyone has an issue with delaying the release, we won't do it. After all, we published expected release dates and have already drifted on this one by a week. It's entirely possible people are relying on OVN 21.09 to be released then.

Mark Michelson

dev mailing list

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