On Thu, Aug 10, 2023 at 8:34 AM Dumitru Ceara <dce...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 8/10/23 17:20, Han Zhou wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 10, 2023 at 6:36 AM Dumitru Ceara <dce...@redhat.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> On 8/10/23 15:34, Han Zhou wrote:
> >>> On Thu, Aug 10, 2023 at 2:29 AM Dumitru Ceara <dce...@redhat.com>
> >>>>
> >>>> On 8/10/23 08:12, Ales Musil wrote:
> >>>>> On Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 5:13 PM Mark Michelson <mmich...@redhat.com>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Hi Ales,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I have some high-level comments/questions about this patch.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Hi Mark,
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Hi Ales, Mark,
> >>>>
> >>>>> thank you for the review. See my answers inline below.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> I have been privy to the conversations that led to this change. My
> >>>>>> understanding is that by having ovn-northd wake up immediately, it
> > can
> >>>>>> be more CPU-intensive than waiting a bit for changes to accumulate
> > and
> >>>>>> handling all of those at once instead. However, nothing in either
> >>>>>> commit message or ovn-nb.xml explains what the purpose of this new
> >>>>>> configuration option is. I think you should add a sentence or two
> >>>>>> explain why someone would want to enable this option.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> Yeah that's my bad, I have v2 prepared with some explanation in the
> >>> commit
> >>>>> message
> >>>>> together with results from scale run.
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> +1 we really need to explain why this change is needed.
> >>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Next, the algorithm used here strikes me as odd. We use the
> >>> run
> >>>>>> time of ovn-northd to determine how long to wait before running
> > again.
> >>>>>> This delay is capped by the configured backoff time. Let's say that
> >>>>>> we've configured the backoff interval to be 200 ms. If ovn-northd
> > has a
> >>>>>> super quick run and only takes 10 ms, then we will only delay the
> > next
> >>>>>> run by 10 ms. IMO, this seems like it would not mitigate the
> >>>>>> issue by much, since we are only allowing a maximum of 20 ms (10 ms
> > for
> >>>>>> the run of ovn-northd + 10 ms delay) of NB changes to accumulate.
> >>>>>> Conversely, if northd has a huge recompute and it takes 5000 ms to
> >>>>>> complete, then we would delay the next run by 200ms. In this case,
> >>>>>> delaying at all seems like it's not necessary since we potentially
> > have
> >>>>>> 5000 ms worth of NB DB updates that have not been addressed. I
> >>>>>> have expected the opposite approach to be taken. If someone
> > configures
> >>>>>> 200ms as their backoff interval, I would expect us to always allow
> >>>>>> *minimum* of 200ms of NB changes to accumulate before running
> > So
> >>>>>> for instance, if northd runs quickly and is done in 10 ms, then we
> >>> would
> >>>>>> wait 200 - 10 = 190 ms before processing changes again. If northd
> > takes
> >>>>>> a long time to recompute and takes 5000 ms, then we would not wait
> >>>>>> all before processing changes again. Was the algorithm chosen based
> > on
> >>>>>> experimentation? Is it a well-known method I'm just not familiar
> > with?
> >>>>
> >>>> I think the main assumption (that should probably be made explicit in
> >>>> the commit log and/or documentation) is that on average changes
> >>>> in a uniform way.  This might not always be accurate.
> >>>>
> >>>> However, if we're off with the estimate, in the worst case we'd be
> >>>> adding the configured max delay to the latency of processing changes.
> >>>> So, as long as the value is not extremely high, the impact is not
> >>>> high either.
> >>>>
> >>>> Last but not least, as this value would be configured by the CMS, we
> >>>> assume the CMS knows what they're doing. :)
> >>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I'm not sure if the algorithm is well known.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The thing is that at scale we almost always cap at the backoff so it
> > has
> >>>>> probably
> >>>>> the same effect as your suggestion with the difference that we
> > actually
> >>>>> delay even
> >>>>> after long runs. And that is actually desired, it's true that in the
> >>> let's
> >>>>> say 500 ms
> >>>>> should be enough to accumulate more changes however that can lead to
> >>> another
> >>>>> 500 ms run and so on. That in the end means that northd will spin at
> >>> 100%
> >>>>> CPU
> >>>>> anyway which is what we want to avoid. So from another point of view
> > the
> >>>>> accumulation
> >>>>> of IDL changes is a secondary effect which is still desired, but not
> > the
> >>>>> main purpose.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Also delaying by short time if the previous run was short is fine,
> >>> are
> >>>>> right that we don't
> >>>>> accumulate enough however during short running times there is a high
> >>> chance
> >>>>> that the
> >>>>> northd would get to sleep anyway (We will help it to sleep at least
> >>> bit
> >>>>> nevertheless).
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Next, I notice that you've added new poll_timer_wait() calls but
> >>> haven't
> >>>>>> changed the ovsdb_idl_loop_run() or
> >>>>>> calls. Is there any danger of ovn-northd getting in a busy loop of
> >>>>>> sleeping and waking because of this? I don't think it should, since
> >>>>>> presumably ovsdb_idl_loop_run() should clear the conditions waited
> >>> by
> >>>>>> ovsdb_idl_loop_commit_and_wait(), but I want to double-check.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> AFAIK it shouldn't cause any issues as ovsdb_idl_loop_run() will
> > process
> >>>>> anything
> >>>>> that it can and wait will be fine. The problem would be if we would
> >>> skip the
> >>>>> ovsdb_idl_loop_run() for some reason.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Next, does this have any negative impact on our ability to perform
> >>>>>> incremental processing in ovn-northd? My concern is that since we
> >>>>>> still running the ovsdb IDL loop that if multiple NB changes occur
> >>>>>> during our delay, then we might have to fall back to a full
> >>>>>> instead of being able to incrementally process the changes. Are my
> >>>>>> concerns valid?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I suppose that can happen if there are changes that could result in
> >>>>> "conflict"
> >>>>> and full recompute. During the test we haven't seen anything like
> > that.
> >>>>> The odds of that happening are small because as stated previously we
> > are
> >>>>> doing
> >>>>> basically the same as if the engine was running for a long time
> >>> from
> >>>>> the IDL
> >>>>> point of view except that we give IDL a chance to process whatever
> >>>>> pilled up
> >>>>> within the sleep period.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Next, has scale testing shown that this change has made a positive
> >>>>>> impact? If so, is there any recommendation for how to determine
> > to
> >>>>>> configure the value to?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> It has a huge impact actually the value tested was 200 ms, the
> >>>>> recommendation
> >>>>
> >>>> This was chosen based on the historical data from similar tests which
> >>>> showed that the I-P engine was taking ~180-200 ms to run at scale.
> >>>>
> >>>>> would be < 500 ms. After that point the latency on components
> >>>>> would be
> >>>>> very noticable. I will put the recommendation into the ovn-nb.xml
> >>> the
> >>>>> latency
> >>>>> comment. Before I'll post v2 (which has the numbers in commit
> >>> those
> >>>>> are the test results:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Run without any backoff period:
> >>>>> northd aggregate CPU 9810% avg / 12765% max
> >>>>> northd was spinning at 100% CPU the entire second half of the test.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Run with 200 ms max backoff period:
> >>>>> northd aggregate CPU 6066% avg / 7689% max
> >>>>> northd was around 60% for the second half of the test
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Finally, is this change expected to be a long-term necessity? This
> >>>>>> option seems to be useful for cases where northd recomputes are
> >>>>>> required. Performing recomputes less frequently seems like it would
> >>>>>> lower the CPU usage of ovn-northd while still processing the same
> >>> amount
> >>>>>> of changes. However, once northd can handle most changes
> > incrementally,
> >>>>>> is there still a benefit to delaying running? If each run of northd
> >>>>>> handles all DB changes incrementally, then is there any point in
> >>> putting
> >>>>>> delays between those incremental runs?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> Ideally we won't need it in the future. However, the assumption for
> > not
> >>>>> needing
> >>>>> anything like this is that northd will be fast enough to process I-P
> >>>>> changes and
> >>>>> be able to sleep between the next batch update arrives from CMS.
> >>>>> doesn't
> >>>>> seem to happen in very near future, one thing to keep in mind is
> >>>>> testing
> >>>>> happened with Numan's I-P for LBs and lflows which make a huge
> >>> difference,
> >>>>> but
> >>>>> still not enough to achieve the mentioned northd state. So from my
> >>>>> perspective
> >>>>> it will be relevant for a few releases. And as stated above the
> >>> is to
> >>>>> prevent
> >>>>> northd to spin at 100% CPU all the time.
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> +1 it's not the prettiest feature (and some might rightfully call it
> >>>> hack) but it seems to me like the cleanest alternative for now, until
> >>>> northd processing is fully incremental.
> >>>
> >>> In most cases it may be fine, but it might be a problem for a worst
> >>> scenario:
> >>>
> >>> Assume all the changes coming in NB can be incrementally processed but
> > at
> >>> a very very high rate, and ovn-northd keeps processing the changes
> >>> incrementally. Since the change rate is so high, ovn-northd barely
> > keeps up
> >>> with the changes with 99% CPU load. For example, I-P for each object
> > takes
> >>> 10ms, and the change rate is 99 objects/sec. According to this
> > algorithm,
> >>> ovn-northd will always sleep for the maximum 200ms between each IDL
> >>> and then ovn-northd would never keep up with the changes any more -
> >>> backlog will become longer and longer because of the wasted idle time.
> >>>
> >>
> >> IDL runs are not skipped.  Just I-P engine runs.  So I think this won't
> >> be a problem, or am I missing something?
> >
> > Sorry about the typo, I meant to say between each "engine run" instead
> > "IDL run". IDL run is not skipped, but the backlog (accumulated changes
> > IDL) becomes longer and longer. E.g.:
> >
> > (assume change rate is 100 object/sec)
> >
> > run-1: handles 1 object, takes 10ms, sleep 10ms
> > run-2: handles 2 objects, takes 20ms, sleep 20ms
> > run-3: handles 4 objects, takes 40ms, sleep 40ms
> > run-4: handles 8 objects, takes 80ms, sleep 80ms
> > run-5: handles 16 objects, takes 160ms, sleep 160ms
> > run-6: handles 32 objects, takes 320ms, sleep 200ms
> > run-7: handles 52 objects (accumulated in 320 + 200 ms), takes 520ms,
> > 200ms
> > run-8: handles 72 objects, takes 720ms, sleep 200ms
> > run-9: handles 92 objects, takes 920ms, sleep 200ms
> > ...
> > As we can see the backlog grows indefinitely if the input keeps
changing at
> > the rate of 100 obj/s.
> >
> I see now, thanks for the explanation.  But isn't this possible today
> too?  Maybe less probable though.

It is about performance penalty. Today let's say the throughput of
ovn-northd can handle is 100 obj/s, with the 200ms max delay configured, it
can only handle 80 obj/s.

> Also, we'll probably hit other issues (e.g., timeouts on CMS side)
> because of the backlog which will (likely?) throttle the CMS.

If there is back-pressure to CMS then the CMS throughput is degraded in the
same way.

> What would be a good solution?  It seems hard to define what a "large
> backlog" is.  If we could do that, maybe triggering a full recompute
> when the backlog is large enough might be OK.

Yes, in such a scenario, full recompute is a better solution because it is
guaranteed to keep up (with certain latency). But I think it is tricky to
make the decision when we should fallback to recompute.

I think our goal is to implement a really fast I-P, so that with any
reasonable input change rate it is still faster than full recompute.
However it is not the case today (but I believe it can be improved). So I
think this patch is for a temporary solution before the goal is
implemented, to make a tradeoff between latency and throughput v.s. CPU
load. With this in mind, I think it is ok to just call out the side-effects
in the documentation for both latency and throughput, so that CMS/user can
make a better judgement.

I am not against the "triggering a full recompute when backlog is large
enough" strategy, but not sure how practical it is to implement.


> What do you think?
> Thanks,
> Dumitru
> > Thanks,
> > Han
> >
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Dumitru
> >>
> >>> In practice this means decreased max throughput supported by
> >>> which probably needs to be called out as a tradeoff (in addition to
> >>> latency tradeoff).
> >>>
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> Han
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Regards,
> >>>> Dumitru
> >>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On 8/9/23 01:29, Ales Musil wrote:
> >>>>>>> Add config option called "northd-backoff-interval-ms" that allows
> >>>>>>> to delay northd engine runs capped by the config option.
> >>>>>>> When the config option is set to 0 or unspecified, the engine
> >>>>>>> will run without any restrictions. If the value >0 we will delay
> >>>>>>> northd engine run by the previous run time capped by the
> >>>>>>> config option.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Ales Musil <amu...@redhat.com>
> >>>>>>> ---
> >>>>>>>   NEWS                     |  2 ++
> >>>>>>>   northd/inc-proc-northd.c | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
> >>>>>>>   northd/inc-proc-northd.h |  3 ++-
> >>>>>>>   northd/ovn-northd.c      |  9 +++++++--
> >>>>>>>   ovn-nb.xml               |  7 +++++++
> >>>>>>>   5 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
> >>>>>>> index 8275877f9..6109f13a2 100644
> >>>>>>> --- a/NEWS
> >>>>>>> +++ b/NEWS
> >>>>>>> @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ Post v23.06.0
> >>>>>>>     - To allow optimizing ovn-controller's monitor conditions for
> > the
> >>>>>> regular
> >>>>>>>       VIF case, ovn-controller now unconditionally monitors all
> >>> sub-ports
> >>>>>>>       (ports with parent_port set).
> >>>>>>> +  - Add "northd-backoff-interval-ms" config option to delay
> >>>>>> engine
> >>>>>>> +    runs capped at the set value.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>   OVN v23.06.0 - 01 Jun 2023
> >>>>>>>   --------------------------
> >>>>>>> diff --git a/northd/inc-proc-northd.c b/northd/inc-proc-northd.c
> >>>>>>> index d328deb22..87db50ad1 100644
> >>>>>>> --- a/northd/inc-proc-northd.c
> >>>>>>> +++ b/northd/inc-proc-northd.c
> >>>>>>> @@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ VLOG_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE(inc_proc_northd);
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>   static unixctl_cb_func chassis_features_list;
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> +static int64_t next_northd_run_ms = 0;
> >>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>>   #define NB_NODES \
> >>>>>>>       NB_NODE(nb_global, "nb_global") \
> >>>>>>>       NB_NODE(logical_switch, "logical_switch") \
> >>>>>>> @@ -295,8 +297,10 @@ void inc_proc_northd_init(struct
> >>> *nb,
> >>>>>>>   /* Returns true if the incremental processing ended up updating
> >>> nodes.
> >>>>>> */
> >>>>>>>   bool inc_proc_northd_run(struct ovsdb_idl_txn *ovnnb_txn,
> >>>>>>>                            struct ovsdb_idl_txn *ovnsb_txn,
> >>>>>>> -                         bool recompute) {
> >>>>>>> +                         bool recompute, uint32_t backoff_ms) {
> >>>>>>>       ovs_assert(ovnnb_txn && ovnsb_txn);
> >>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>> +    int64_t start = time_msec();
> >>>>>>>       engine_init_run();
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>       /* Force a full recompute if instructed to, for example,
> > after a
> >>>>>> NB/SB
> >>>>>>> @@ -330,6 +334,12 @@ bool inc_proc_northd_run(struct ovsdb_idl_txn
> >>>>>> *ovnnb_txn,
> >>>>>>>       } else {
> >>>>>>>           engine_set_force_recompute(false);
> >>>>>>>       }
> >>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>> +    int64_t now = time_msec();
> >>>>>>> +    /* Postpone the next run by length of current run with
> >>>>>> capped
> >>>>>>> +     * by "northd-backoff-interval-ms" interval. */
> >>>>>>> +    next_northd_run_ms = now + MIN(now - start, backoff_ms);
> >>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>>       return engine_has_updated();
> >>>>>>>   }
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> @@ -339,6 +349,17 @@ void inc_proc_northd_cleanup(void)
> >>>>>>>       engine_set_context(NULL);
> >>>>>>>   }
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> +bool
> >>>>>>> +inc_proc_northd_can_run(bool recompute)
> >>>>>>> +{
> >>>>>>> +    if (recompute || time_msec() >= next_northd_run_ms) {
> >>>>>>> +        return true;
> >>>>>>> +    }
> >>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>> +    poll_timer_wait_until(next_northd_run_ms);
> >>>>>>> +    return false;
> >>>>>>> +}
> >>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>>   static void
> >>>>>>>   chassis_features_list(struct unixctl_conn *conn, int argc
> >>>>>>>                         const char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED, void
> >>> *features_)
> >>>>>>> diff --git a/northd/inc-proc-northd.h b/northd/inc-proc-northd.h
> >>>>>>> index 9b81c7ee0..af418d7d7 100644
> >>>>>>> --- a/northd/inc-proc-northd.h
> >>>>>>> +++ b/northd/inc-proc-northd.h
> >>>>>>> @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ void inc_proc_northd_init(struct ovsdb_idl_loop
> > *nb,
> >>>>>>>                             struct ovsdb_idl_loop *sb);
> >>>>>>>   bool inc_proc_northd_run(struct ovsdb_idl_txn *ovnnb_txn,
> >>>>>>>                            struct ovsdb_idl_txn *ovnsb_txn,
> >>>>>>> -                         bool recompute);
> >>>>>>> +                         bool recompute, uint32_t backoff_ms);
> >>>>>>>   void inc_proc_northd_cleanup(void);
> >>>>>>> +bool inc_proc_northd_can_run(bool recompute);
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>   #endif /* INC_PROC_NORTHD */
> >>>>>>> diff --git a/northd/ovn-northd.c b/northd/ovn-northd.c
> >>>>>>> index 4fa1b039e..3202b50a1 100644
> >>>>>>> --- a/northd/ovn-northd.c
> >>>>>>> +++ b/northd/ovn-northd.c
> >>>>>>> @@ -868,6 +868,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
> >>>>>>>       /* Main loop. */
> >>>>>>>       exiting = false;
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> +    uint32_t northd_backoff_ms = 0;
> >>>>>>>       bool recompute = false;
> >>>>>>>       while (!exiting) {
> >>>>>>>           update_ssl_config();
> >>>>>>> @@ -932,10 +933,12 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>               if (ovsdb_idl_has_lock(ovnsb_idl_loop.idl)) {
> >>>>>>>                   bool activity = false;
> >>>>>>> -                if (ovnnb_txn && ovnsb_txn) {
> >>>>>>> +                if (ovnnb_txn && ovnsb_txn &&
> >>>>>>> +                    inc_proc_northd_can_run(recompute)) {
> >>>>>>>                       int64_t loop_start_time = time_wall_msec();
> >>>>>>>                       activity = inc_proc_northd_run(ovnnb_txn,
> >>>>>> ovnsb_txn,
> >>>>>>> -
> >>>>>>> +                                                   recompute,
> >>>>>>> +
> >>> northd_backoff_ms);
> >>>>>>>                       recompute = false;
> >>>>>>>                       check_and_add_supported_dhcp_opts_to_sb_db(
> >>>>>>>                                    ovnsb_txn, ovnsb_idl_loop.idl);
> >>>>>>> @@ -1019,6 +1022,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
> >>>>>>>           if (nb) {
> >>>>>>>               interval = smap_get_int(&nb->options,
> >>>>>> "northd_probe_interval",
> >>>>>>>                                       interval);
> >>>>>>> +            northd_backoff_ms = smap_get_uint(&nb->options,
> >>>>>>> +
> >>>>>> "northd-backoff-interval-ms", 0);
> >>>>>>>           }
> >>>>>>>           set_idl_probe_interval(ovnnb_idl_loop.idl, ovnnb_db,
> >>> interval);
> >>>>>>>           set_idl_probe_interval(ovnsb_idl_loop.idl, ovnsb_db,
> >>> interval);
> >>>>>>> diff --git a/ovn-nb.xml b/ovn-nb.xml
> >>>>>>> index 4fbf4f7e5..115dfd536 100644
> >>>>>>> --- a/ovn-nb.xml
> >>>>>>> +++ b/ovn-nb.xml
> >>>>>>> @@ -349,6 +349,13 @@
> >>>>>>>           of HWOL compatibility with GDP.
> >>>>>>>         </column>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> +      <column name="options" key="northd-backoff-interval-ms">
> >>>>>>> +        Maximum interval that the northd incremental engine is
> >>> delayed
> >>>>>> by
> >>>>>>> +        in milliseconds. Setting the value to nonzero delays the
> > next
> >>>>>> northd
> >>>>>>> +        engine run by the previous run time, capped by the
> > specified
> >>>>>> value.
> >>>>>>> +        If the value is zero the engine won't be delayed at all.
> >>>>>>> +      </column>
> >>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>>         <group title="Options for configuring interconnection
> >>>>>> advertisement">
> >>>>>>>           <p>
> >>>>>>>             These options control how routes are advertised
> >>> OVN
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> Thanks,
> >>>>> Ales
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>> dev mailing list
> >>>> d...@openvswitch.org
> >>>> https://mail.openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/ovs-dev
> >>>
> >>
> >
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