Datapath flows can be arranged into a "tree"-like structure based on
recirculation ids, e.g:

 recirc(0),eth(...),ipv4(...) actions=ct,recirc(0x42)
   \-> recirc(42),ct_state(0/0),eth(...),ipv4(...) actions=1
   \-> recirc(42),ct_state(1/0),eth(...),ipv4(...) actions=userspace(...)

This patch adds support for building such logical datapath trees in a
format-agnostic way and adds support for console-based formatting
- head-maps formatting of statistics
- hash-based pallete of recirculation ids: each recirculation id is
  assigned a unique color to easily follow the sequence of related
- full-tree filtering: if a user specifies a filter, an entire subtree
  is filtered out if none of its branches satisfy it.

Signed-off-by: Adrian Moreno <>
 python/             |   1 +
 python/ovs/flowviz/  |  22 +++
 python/ovs/flowviz/odp/  |  21 ++-
 python/ovs/flowviz/odp/ | 290 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 332 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 python/ovs/flowviz/odp/

diff --git a/python/ b/python/
index b4c1f84be..5050089e9 100644
--- a/python/
+++ b/python/
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ ovs_flowviz = \
        python/ovs/flowviz/ \
        python/ovs/flowviz/odp/ \
        python/ovs/flowviz/odp/ \
+       python/ovs/flowviz/odp/ \
        python/ovs/flowviz/ofp/ \
        python/ovs/flowviz/ofp/ \
        python/ovs/flowviz/ofp/ \
diff --git a/python/ovs/flowviz/ b/python/ovs/flowviz/
index 5b4b047c2..2d65f9bb6 100644
--- a/python/ovs/flowviz/
+++ b/python/ovs/flowviz/
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 import colorsys
+import itertools
+import zlib
 from rich.console import Console
 from rich.text import Text
 from import Style
@@ -169,6 +172,25 @@ def heat_pallete(min_value, max_value):
     return heat
+def hash_pallete(hue, saturation, value):
+    """Generates a color pallete with the cartesian product
+    of the hsv values provided and returns a callable that assigns a color for
+    each value hash
+    """
+    HSV_tuples = itertools.product(hue, saturation, value)
+    RGB_tuples = map(lambda x: colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*x), HSV_tuples)
+    styles = [
+        Style(color=Color.from_rgb(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255))
+        for r, g, b in RGB_tuples
+    ]
+    def get_style(string):
+        hash_val = zlib.crc32(bytes(str(string), "utf-8"))
+        return styles[hash_val % len(styles)]
+    return get_style
 def default_highlight():
     """Generates a default style for highlights."""
     return Style(underline=True)
diff --git a/python/ovs/flowviz/odp/ b/python/ovs/flowviz/odp/
index 78f5cfff4..4740e753e 100644
--- a/python/ovs/flowviz/odp/
+++ b/python/ovs/flowviz/odp/
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 import click
 from ovs.flowviz.main import maincli
+from ovs.flowviz.odp.tree import ConsoleTreeProcessor
 from ovs.flowviz.process import (
-    JSONProcessor,
+    JSONProcessor,
@@ -65,3 +65,20 @@ def console(opts, heat_map):
+    "-h",
+    "--heat-map",
+    is_flag=True,
+    default=False,
+    show_default=True,
+    help="Create heat-map with packet and byte counters",
+def tree(opts, heat_map):
+    """Print the flows in a tree based on the 'recirc_id'."""
+    processor = ConsoleTreeProcessor(opts)
+    processor.process()
+    processor.print(heat_map)
diff --git a/python/ovs/flowviz/odp/ b/python/ovs/flowviz/odp/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cfddb162e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ovs/flowviz/odp/
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from import Style
+from rich.text import Text
+from rich.tree import Tree
+from ovs.flowviz.console import (
+    ConsoleFormatter,
+    ConsoleBuffer,
+    hash_pallete,
+    heat_pallete,
+    file_header,
+from ovs.flowviz.process import (
+    DatapathFactory,
+    FileProcessor,
+class TreeElem:
+    """Element in the tree.
+    Args:
+        children (list[TreeElem]): Optional, list of children
+        is_root (bool): Optional; whether this is the root elemen
+    """
+    def __init__(self, children=None, is_root=False):
+        self.children = children or list()
+        self.is_root = is_root
+    def append(self, child):
+        self.children.append(child)
+class FlowElem(TreeElem):
+    """An element that contains a flow.
+    Args:
+        flow (Flow): The flow that this element contains
+        children (list[TreeElem]): Optional, list of children
+        is_root (bool): Optional; whether this is the root elemen
+    """
+    def __init__(self, flow, children=None, is_root=False):
+        self.flow = flow
+        super(FlowElem, self).__init__(children, is_root)
+    def evaluate_any(self, filter):
+        """Evaluate the filter on the element and all its children.
+        Args:
+            filter(OFFilter): the filter to evaluate
+        Returns:
+            True if ANY of the flows (including self and children) evaluates
+            true
+        """
+        if filter.evaluate(self.flow):
+            return True
+        return any([child.evaluate_any(filter) for child in self.children])
+class FlowTree:
+    """A Flow tree is a a class that processes datapath flows into a tree based
+    on recirculation ids.
+    Args:
+        flows (list[ODPFlow]): Optional, initial list of flows
+        root (TreeElem): Optional, root of the tree.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, flows=None, root=TreeElem(is_root=True)):
+        self._flows = {}
+        self.root = root
+        if flows:
+            for flow in flows:
+                self.add(flow)
+    def add(self, flow):
+        """Add a flow"""
+        rid = flow.match.get("recirc_id") or 0
+        if not self._flows.get(rid):
+            self._flows[rid] = list()
+        self._flows[rid].append(flow)
+    def build(self):
+        """Build the flow tree."""
+        self._build(self.root, 0)
+    def traverse(self, callback):
+        """Traverses the tree calling callback on each element.
+        callback: callable that accepts two TreeElem, the current one being
+            traversed and its parent
+            func callback(elem, parent):
+                ...
+            Note that "parent" can be None if it's the first element.
+        """
+        self._traverse(self.root, None, callback)
+    def _traverse(self, elem, parent, callback):
+        callback(elem, parent)
+        for child in elem.children:
+            self._traverse(child, elem, callback)
+    def _build(self, parent, recirc):
+        """Build the subtree starting at a specific recirc_id. Recursive 
+        Args:
+            parent (TreeElem): parent of the (sub)tree
+            recirc(int): the recirc_id subtree to build
+        """
+        flows = self._flows.get(recirc)
+        if not flows:
+            return
+        for flow in sorted(
+            flows, key=lambda x:"packets") or 0, reverse=True
+        ):
+            next_recircs = self._get_next_recirc(flow)
+            elem = self._new_elem(flow, parent)
+            parent.append(elem)
+            for next_recirc in next_recircs:
+                self._build(elem, next_recirc)
+    def _get_next_recirc(self, flow):
+        """Get the next recirc_ids from a Flow.
+        The recirc_id is obtained from actions such as recirc, but also
+        complex actions such as check_pkt_len and sample
+        Args:
+            flow (ODPFlow): flow to get the recirc_id from.
+        Returns:
+            set of next recirculation ids.
+        """
+        # Helper function to find a recirc in a dictionary of actions.
+        def find_in_list(actions_list):
+            recircs = []
+            for item in actions_list:
+                (action, value) = next(iter(item.items()))
+                if action == "recirc":
+                    recircs.append(value)
+                elif action == "check_pkt_len":
+                    recircs.extend(find_in_list(value.get("gt")))
+                    recircs.extend(find_in_list(value.get("le")))
+                elif action == "clone":
+                    recircs.extend(find_in_list(value))
+                elif action == "sample":
+                    recircs.extend(find_in_list(value.get("actions")))
+            return recircs
+        recircs = []
+        recircs.extend(find_in_list(flow.actions))
+        return set(recircs)
+    def _new_elem(self, flow, _):
+        """Creates a new TreeElem.
+        Default implementation is to create a FlowElem. Derived classes can
+        override this method to return any derived TreeElem
+        """
+        return FlowElem(flow)
+    def filter(self, filter):
+        """Removes the first level subtrees if none of its sub-elements match
+        the filter.
+        Args:
+            filter(OFFilter): filter to apply
+        """
+        to_remove = list()
+        for l0 in self.root.children:
+            passes = l0.evaluate_any(filter)
+            if not passes:
+                to_remove.append(l0)
+        for elem in to_remove:
+            self.root.children.remove(elem)
+class ConsoleTreeProcessor(DatapathFactory, FileProcessor):
+    def __init__(self, opts):
+        super().__init__(opts)
+ = dict()
+        self.ofconsole = ConsoleFormatter(self.opts)
+        # Generate a color pallete for cookies
+        recirc_style_gen = hash_pallete(
+            hue=[x / 50 for x in range(0, 50)], saturation=[0.7], value=[0.8]
+        )
+        style =
+        style.set_default_value_style(Style(color="grey66"))
+        style.set_key_style("output", Style(color="green"))
+        style.set_value_style("output", Style(color="green"))
+        style.set_value_style("recirc", recirc_style_gen)
+        style.set_value_style("recirc_id", recirc_style_gen)
+    def start_file(self, name, filename):
+        self.tree = ConsoleTree(self.ofconsole, self.opts)
+    def process_flow(self, flow, name):
+        self.tree.add(flow)
+    def process(self):
+        super().process(False)
+    def stop_file(self, name, filename):
+[name] = self.tree
+    def print(self, heat_map):
+        for name, tree in
+            self.ofconsole.console.print("\n")
+            self.ofconsole.console.print(file_header(name))
+            if self.opts.get("filter"):
+                tree.filter(self.opts.get("filter"))
+            tree.print(heat_map)
+class ConsoleTree(FlowTree):
+    """ConsoleTree is a FlowTree that prints the tree in the console.
+    Args:
+        console (ConsoleFormatter): console to use for printing
+        opts (dict): Options dictionary
+    """
+    class ConsoleElem(FlowElem):
+        def __init__(self, flow=None, is_root=False):
+            self.tree = None
+            super(ConsoleTree.ConsoleElem, self).__init__(
+                flow, is_root=is_root
+            )
+    def __init__(self, console, opts):
+        self.console = console
+        self.opts = opts
+        super(ConsoleTree, self).__init__(root=self.ConsoleElem(is_root=True))
+    def _new_elem(self, flow, _):
+        """Override _new_elem to provide ConsoleElems"""
+        return self.ConsoleElem(flow)
+    def _append_to_tree(self, elem, parent):
+        """Callback to be used for FlowTree._build
+        Appends the flow to the rich.Tree
+        """
+        if elem.is_root:
+            elem.tree = Tree("Datapath Flows (logical)")
+            return
+        buf = ConsoleBuffer(Text())
+        highlighted = None
+        if self.opts.get("highlight"):
+            result = self.opts.get("highlight").evaluate(elem.flow)
+            if result:
+                highlighted = result.kv
+        self.console.format_flow(buf, elem.flow, highlighted)
+        elem.tree = parent.tree.add(buf.text)
+    def print(self, heat=False):
+        """Print the Flow Tree.
+        Args:
+            heat (bool): Optional; whether heat-map style shall be applied
+        """
+        if heat:
+            for field in ["packets", "bytes"]:
+                values = []
+                for flow_list in self._flows.values():
+                    values.extend([ or 0 for f in flow_list])
+                    field, heat_pallete(min(values), max(values))
+                )
+        self.traverse(self._append_to_tree)
+        self.console.console.print(self.root.tree)

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