On 28 Jun 2024, at 15:53, Adrián Moreno wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 03:57:03PM GMT, Eelco Chaudron wrote:
>> On 27 Jun 2024, at 13:37, Adrián Moreno wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 02:11:00PM GMT, Eelco Chaudron wrote:
>>>> On 5 Jun 2024, at 22:23, Adrian Moreno wrote:
>>>>> Add as new column in the Flow_Sample_Collector_Set table named
>>>>> "local_sample_group" which enables this feature.
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Adrian Moreno <amore...@redhat.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  NEWS                       |  4 ++
>>>>>  vswitchd/bridge.c          | 78 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
>>>>>  vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema |  9 ++++-
>>>>>  vswitchd/vswitch.xml       | 39 +++++++++++++++++--
>>>>>  4 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
>>>>> diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
>>>>> index b92cec532..1c05a7120 100644
>>>>> --- a/NEWS
>>>>> +++ b/NEWS
>>>>> @@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ Post-v3.3.0
>>>>>     - The primary development branch has been renamed from 'master' to 
>>>>> 'main'.
>>>>>       The OVS tree remains hosted on GitHub.
>>>>>   https://github.com/openvswitch/ovs.git
>>>>> +   - Local sampling is introduced. It reuses the OpenFlow sample action 
>>>>> and
>>>>> +     allows samples to be emitted locally (instead of via IPFIX) in a
>>>>> +     datapath-specific manner via the new datapath action called 
>>>>> "emit_sample".
>>>>> +     Linux kernel datapath is the first to support this feature.
>>>>>  v3.3.0 - 16 Feb 2024
>>>>> diff --git a/vswitchd/bridge.c b/vswitchd/bridge.c
>>>>> index 95a65fcdc..cd7dc6646 100644
>>>>> --- a/vswitchd/bridge.c
>>>>> +++ b/vswitchd/bridge.c
>>>>> @@ -288,6 +288,7 @@ static void bridge_configure_mac_table(struct bridge 
>>>>> *);
>>>>>  static void bridge_configure_mcast_snooping(struct bridge *);
>>>>>  static void bridge_configure_sflow(struct bridge *, int 
>>>>> *sflow_bridge_number);
>>>>>  static void bridge_configure_ipfix(struct bridge *);
>>>>> +static void bridge_configure_lsample(struct bridge *);
>>>>>  static void bridge_configure_spanning_tree(struct bridge *);
>>>>>  static void bridge_configure_tables(struct bridge *);
>>>>>  static void bridge_configure_dp_desc(struct bridge *);
>>>>> @@ -989,6 +990,7 @@ bridge_reconfigure(const struct ovsrec_open_vswitch 
>>>>> *ovs_cfg)
>>>>>          bridge_configure_netflow(br);
>>>>>          bridge_configure_sflow(br, &sflow_bridge_number);
>>>>>          bridge_configure_ipfix(br);
>>>>> +        bridge_configure_lsample(br);
>>>>>          bridge_configure_spanning_tree(br);
>>>>>          bridge_configure_tables(br);
>>>>>          bridge_configure_dp_desc(br);
>>>>> @@ -1537,10 +1539,11 @@ ovsrec_ipfix_is_valid(const struct ovsrec_ipfix 
>>>>> *ipfix)
>>>>>      return ipfix && ipfix->n_targets > 0;
>>>>>  }
>>>>> -/* Returns whether a Flow_Sample_Collector_Set row is valid. */
>>>>> +/* Returns whether a Flow_Sample_Collector_Set row constains valid IPFIX
>>>> constains -> 'contains a'
>>> Ack.
>>>>> + * configuration. */
>>>>>  static bool
>>>>> -ovsrec_fscs_is_valid(const struct ovsrec_flow_sample_collector_set *fscs,
>>>>> -                     const struct bridge *br)
>>>>> +ovsrec_fscs_is_valid_ipfix(const struct ovsrec_flow_sample_collector_set 
>>>>> *fscs,
>>>>> +                           const struct bridge *br)
>>>>>  {
>>>>>      return ovsrec_ipfix_is_valid(fscs->ipfix) && fscs->bridge == br->cfg;
>>>>>  }
>>>>> @@ -1558,7 +1561,7 @@ bridge_configure_ipfix(struct bridge *br)
>>>>>      const char *virtual_obs_id;
>>>>> -        if (ovsrec_fscs_is_valid(fe_cfg, br)) {
>>>>> +        if (ovsrec_fscs_is_valid_ipfix(fe_cfg, br)) {
>>>>>              n_fe_opts++;
>>>>>          }
>>>>>      }
>>>>> @@ -1621,7 +1624,7 @@ bridge_configure_ipfix(struct bridge *br)
>>>>>          fe_opts = xcalloc(n_fe_opts, sizeof *fe_opts);
>>>>>          opts = fe_opts;
>>>>>          OVSREC_FLOW_SAMPLE_COLLECTOR_SET_FOR_EACH(fe_cfg, idl) {
>>>>> -            if (ovsrec_fscs_is_valid(fe_cfg, br)) {
>>>>> +            if (ovsrec_fscs_is_valid_ipfix(fe_cfg, br)) {
>>>>>                  opts->collector_set_id = fe_cfg->id;
>>>>>                  sset_init(&opts->targets);
>>>>>                  sset_add_array(&opts->targets, fe_cfg->ipfix->targets,
>>>>> @@ -1667,6 +1670,71 @@ bridge_configure_ipfix(struct bridge *br)
>>>>>      }
>>>>>  }
>>>>> +/* Returns whether a Flow_Sample_Collector_Set row contains valid local
>>>>> + * sampling configuraiton. */
>>>> ...row contains a valid local...
>>>>                ++
>>>> configuraiton -> configuration
>>> Ack.
>>>>> +static bool
>>>>> +ovsrec_fscs_is_valid_local(const struct ovsrec_flow_sample_collector_set 
>>>>> *fscs,
>>>>> +                           const struct bridge *br)
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    return fscs->local_sample_group && fscs->n_local_sample_group == 1 &&
>>>>> +           fscs->bridge == br->cfg;
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +
>>>>> +/* Set local sample configuration on 'br'. */
>>>>> +static void
>>>>> +bridge_configure_lsample(struct bridge *br)
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    static struct vlog_rate_limit rl = VLOG_RATE_LIMIT_INIT(1, 5);
>>>>> +    const struct ovsrec_flow_sample_collector_set *fscs;
>>>>> +    struct ofproto_lsample_options *opts_array, *opts;
>>>>> +    size_t n_opts = 0;
>>>>> +    int ret;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    /* Iterate the Flow_Sample_Collector_Set table twice.
>>>>> +     * First to get the number of valid configuration entries, then to 
>>>>> process
>>>>> +     * each of them and build an array of options. */
>>>>> +        if (ovsrec_fscs_is_valid_local(fscs, br)) {
>>>>> +            n_opts ++;
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +    }
>>>> Did you consider just allocating n_local_sample_group entries and only use
>>>> the ones needed? Or are we assuming there is a large gap between the actual
>>>> entries and the ones having a valid local entry?
>>> n_local_sample_group is just the number of "local_sample_group" defined
>>> in one particular FSCS row. It's optional so it can be 0 or 1.
>>> Were allocating one configuration object for each valid row in the FSCS
>>> table. This is done because FSCS rows can be configured with different
>>> bridges and since this is a OVSDB relationship, the ofproto layer and
>>> below cannot tell if the configuration entry is aplicable to that
>>> ofproto or not.
>> I understand that part, was just wondering if there is a big discrepancy 
>> between the actual n_local_sample_group number and the amount local entries 
>> we are interested in, ovsrec_fscs_is_valid_local(), in a typical 
>> configuration. This to avoid two loops through all of them. But this is more 
>> of a nit than an important part.
> Sorry, my head is not working very well today and I'm not understanding
> your point.
> n_local_sample_group might 1 or 0 indicating whether there is local
> sampling or not in this collector. The actual value can be anything
> between 1 and 2^32 -1 and it is completely up to the user to configure
> something that will be unique in their system (e.g: do not collide
> with other act_sample actions they might have installed).
> I don't expect many FSCS rows to be configured. Let's take en example.
> Let's say we have 2 bridges, 10 FSCS entries, 5 for each bridge. From
> them, only 3 have local sampling (the other 2 have only IPFIX
> configuration). So, n_local_sample_group is 1 in 6 of the entries and 0
> in the rest. The actual number can be on 10001-10006 for instance.
> Here we are configuring one ofproto (i.e: one bridge). Since we're
> storing the configuration in an array, we need to iterate twice. First
> time we realize that, out of the 10 rows, only 3 of them return true in
> ovsrec_fscs_is_valid_local(). So we allocate an array of size 3, create
> configuration objects for those and send them down to ofproto-dpif.
> The only other way I can see of avoiding the double loop is to allocate
> the total number of rows, 10 in the previous example, and add a boolean
> in the configuration that tells the ofproto layer that the option must
> be ignored because, it either didn't have local sampling
> (n_local_sample_group=0) or it belongs to another bridge.

My bad, this is what I was suggesting to see if it would make sense. I miss 
quoted n_local_sample_group, which caused the confusion.

> Considering the amount of rows we expect to have is low, I think a
> double loop yields cleaner code in this case.


>>>>> +    if (n_opts == 0) {
>>>>> +        ofproto_set_local_sample(br->ofproto, NULL, 0);
>>>>> +        return;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    opts_array = xcalloc(n_opts, sizeof *opts_array);
>>>>> +    opts = opts_array;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        if (!ovsrec_fscs_is_valid_local(fscs, br)) {
>>>>> +            continue;
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +        opts->collector_set_id = fscs->id;
>>>>> +        opts->group_id = *fscs->local_sample_group;
>>>>> +        opts++;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    ret = ofproto_set_local_sample(br->ofproto, opts_array, n_opts);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    if (ret == ENOTSUP) {
>>>>> +        if (n_opts) {
>>>>> +            VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl,
>>>>> +                         "bridge %s: ignoring local sampling 
>>>>> configuration: "
>>>>> +                         "not supported by this datapath",
>>>>> +                         br->name);
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +    } else if (ret) {
>>>>> +        VLOG_ERR_RL(&rl, "bridge %s: error configuring local sampling: 
>>>>> %s",
>>>>> +                    br->name, ovs_strerror(ret));
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    if (n_opts > 0) {
>>>>> +        free(opts_array);
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +
>>>>>  static void
>>>>>  port_configure_stp(const struct ofproto *ofproto, struct port *port,
>>>>>                     struct ofproto_port_stp_settings *port_s,
>>>>> diff --git a/vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema b/vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema
>>>>> index e2d5e2e85..f945451cd 100644
>>>>> --- a/vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema
>>>>> +++ b/vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema
>>>>> @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
>>>>>  {"name": "Open_vSwitch",
>>>>> - "version": "8.5.0",
>>>>> - "cksum": "4040946650 27557",
>>>>> + "version": "8.6.0",
>>>>> + "cksum": "3864090052 27769",
>>>>>   "tables": {
>>>>>     "Open_vSwitch": {
>>>>>       "columns": {
>>>>> @@ -562,6 +562,11 @@
>>>>>           "type": {"key": {"type": "uuid",
>>>>>                            "refTable": "IPFIX"},
>>>>>                    "min": 0, "max": 1}},
>>>>> +       "local_sample_group": {
>>>>> +         "type": {"key": {"type": "integer",
>>>>> +                          "minInteger": 0,
>>>>> +                          "maxInteger": 4294967295},
>>>>> +                  "min": 0, "max": 1}},
>>>>>         "external_ids": {
>>>>>           "type": {"key": "string", "value": "string",
>>>>>                    "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}},
>>>>> diff --git a/vswitchd/vswitch.xml b/vswitchd/vswitch.xml
>>>>> index 8a1b607d7..2a5223203 100644
>>>>> --- a/vswitchd/vswitch.xml
>>>>> +++ b/vswitchd/vswitch.xml
>>>>> @@ -7008,10 +7008,37 @@ ovs-vsctl add-port br0 p0 -- set Interface p0 
>>>>> type=patch options:peer=p1 \
>>>>>    <table name="Flow_Sample_Collector_Set">
>>>>>      <p>
>>>>> -      A set of IPFIX collectors of packet samples generated by OpenFlow
>>>>> -      <code>sample</code> actions.  This table is used only for IPFIX
>>>>> -      flow-based sampling, not for per-bridge sampling (see the <ref
>>>>> -      table="IPFIX"/> table for a description of the two forms).
>>>>> +      A set of IPFIX or local sampling collectors of packet samples 
>>>>> generated
>>>>> +      by OpenFlow <code>sample</code> actions.
>>>>> +    </p>
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    <p>
>>>>> +      If the column <code>ipfix</code> contains a reference to a
>>>>> +      valid IPFIX entry, samples will be emitted via IPFIX. This 
>>>>> mechanism
>>>>> +      is known as flow-based IPFIX sampling, as opposed to bridge-based
>>>>> +      sampling (see the <ref table="IPFIX"/> table for a description of 
>>>>> the
>>>>> +      two forms).
>>>>> +    </p>
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    <p>
>>>>> +      If the column <code>local_sample_group</code> contains an integer 
>>>>> and the
>>>> Can we call this local_group instead (or local_group_id)? This will avoid 
>>>> the
>>>> long name, as this option is already in the Flow_Sample_Collector_Set 
>>>> table.
>>> Sure, local group is fine.
>>>>> +      running datapath supports local sample emission, packets will be 
>>>>> sent
>>>>> +      to some local sample collector. Samples will contain the group 
>>>>> number
>>>>> +      specified by <code>local_sample_group</code> which helps identify 
>>>>> their
>>>>> +      source as well as a 64-bit cookie result from the concatenation of 
>>>>> the
>>>>> +      observation_domain_id an the observation_point_id.
>>>> I guess this needs some clarification regarding endianness, etc., based on 
>>>> your discussion with Ilya.
>>> Yep.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +      The way the sample is emitted and made available for local 
>>>>> collectors
>>>>> +      is datapath-specific.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +      Currently only Linux kernel datapath supports local sampling which 
>>>>> is
>>>>> +      implemented by sending the packet to the <code>psample</code> 
>>>>> netlink
>>>>> +      multicast group.
>>>>> +    </p>
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    <p>
>>>>> +      Note both <code>local_sample_group</code> and <code>ipfix</code> 
>>>>> can be
>>>>> +      configured simultaneously.
>>>>>      </p>
>>>>>      <column name="id">
>>>>> @@ -7030,6 +7057,10 @@ ovs-vsctl add-port br0 p0 -- set Interface p0 
>>>>> type=patch options:peer=p1 \
>>>>>        record per sampled packet to.
>>>>>      </column>
>>>>> +    <column name="local_sample_group">
>>>>> +      Configuration of the sample group to be used in local sampling.
>>>>> +    </column>
>>>>> +
>>>> Not sure if we prefer putting the type here also, like other options
>>>> do for documentation:
>>>> type='{"type": "integer", "minInteger": 0, "maxInteger": 4294967295}'>
>>>> Or is having it in the ovsschema enough?
>>> It doesn't harm to document it here as well.
>>>>>      <group title="Common Columns">
>>>>>        The overall purpose of these columns is described under 
>>>>> <code>Common
>>>>>        Columns</code> at the beginning of this document.
>>>>> --
>>>>> 2.45.1

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