On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 01:33:23PM +0000, Michael Williams wrote:
> We have OvS running on a wireless router with 4 wired Ethernet
> ports. We can apply rules on the wired ports but when we try to apply
> rules on the wireless port the rules don't work between multiple
> wireless devices. Is there a way within OvS to treat the wireless
> interface like multiple virtual ports so that when a wireless device
> connects we can apply rules to govern behavior between the wireless
> devices like we can with the wired devices?

OVS doesn't distinguish between different kinds of ports, so the
restrictions you're describing don't make sense; OVS doesn't work that
way.  You might be using a vendor's modified version of OVS.  If so,
then you should ask the vendor for assistance.
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