Hello, I am using a linux server with xubuntu 14.04.01 and installed OvS, on a 
single port I want incoming and outgoing traffic from different vlans, should I 
configure vlans on both OvS and Linux server ??
I created the following configuration in OvS for vlans 4 and 3:
Bridge "s1"
  Port "s1"
     Interface "s1"
     type: internal
  Port "eth0"
     Interface "eth0"
  Port "eth0.4"
     tag: 4
     Interface "eth0.4"
  Port "eth0.3"
     tag: 3
     Interface "eth0.3"
These ports eth0.3 and eth0.4 I created directly in the linux server 
etc/network/ interfaces file, associating vlans 3 and 4 to the physical port of 
the eth0 server. But it's not working, any ideas ??
Two client hosts are connected in this OvS one with vlan 4 and another with 
vlan 3. My configuration looks like this:
                controller                      |                      | OvS 
----- switch cisco ------ host1                       |                       | 
                 host 2
The cisco switch that is interconnecting all the elements. On host 1 I 
configured port eth0.4 and on host 2 I configured port eth0.3 in the 
etc/network/interfaces file. 
I can not get communication between h1 and h2, could anyone help me?

How should I configure the VLAN in OvS?

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