I would like to connect a physical openvswitch (raspberry pi) to an existing 
one (raspberry pi) in order to extend the number of physical ports which I can 
use. I would only want to use one pox controller for my network topology. Any 
suggestions on how can I work the matter?

My topology would be as follow:

                              [    POX    ]
[Host A]←---┑               ↨                                       ┍---→[HOST 
[Host B]←-------→[RPi OVS A]←→[RPi OVS B]←-------→[HOST E]
[Host C]←---┙                                                        ┖---→[HOST 
Likewise, I wanted the topology to work in such a way that Host A can ping 
every host in the network (B,C,D,E,F)

Thank you so much for the help with my final undergrad project. 
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