On Mon, Mar 05, 2018 at 10:03:13PM -0800, Anil Jangam wrote:
> Hi,
> The RFC7047 states below about the Monitor request.
> The request object has the
>    following members:
>    o  "method": "monitor"
>    o  "params": [<db-name>, <json-value>, <monitor-requests>]
>    o  "id": <nonnull-json-value>
> The <json-value> parameter is used to match subsequent update
> notifications (see below) to this request.
> The <monitor-requests> object maps the name of the table to be monitored
> to an array of <monitor-request> objects. Each <monitor-request> is an
> object with the following members:
>        "columns": [<column>*]            optional
>        "select": <monitor-select>        optional
> The columns, if present, define the columns within the table to be monitored.
> <monitor-select> is an object with the following members:
>        "initial": <boolean>              optional
>        "insert": <boolean>               optional
>        "delete": <boolean>               optional
>        "modify": <boolean>               optional
> The contents of this object specify how the columns or table are to be
> monitored,
> as explained in more detail below.
> However, when I look at some of the legitimate samples of the Monitor
> requests, they are encoded as below.
> {
>   "id": "c5c09c07-11c1-449b-8f04-016fefe15844",
>   "method": "monitor",
>   "params": [
>     "hardware_vtep",
>     "91c9eed4-00bb-48e3-b2d9-51e0364bbdc2",
>     {
>       "Physical_Locator": {
>         "columns": [
>           "dst_ip",
>           "encapsulation_type",
>           "_uuid"
>         ],
>         "select": {
>           "initial": true,
>           "insert": true,
>           "delete": true,
>           "modify": true
>         }
>       },
>       "Physical_Locator_Set": {
>         "columns": [
>           "_uuid",
>           "locators"
>         ],
>         "select": {
>           "initial": true,
>           "insert": true,
>           "delete": true,
>           "modify": true
>         }
>       }
>     }
>   ]
> }
> If we go by the RFC encoding rules, "params" contains the
> <monitor-requests>, which maps the "Table name" to an array of
> <Monitor-request> object. So IMHO, the table names comes only once in the
> message. Correct?

Yes.  That's what I see above.  The table names are Physical_Locator and
Physical_Locator_Set, and each of them is mentioned once.
In the <monitor-requests> object "Physical_Locator" is mapped to:

         "columns": [
         "select": {
           "initial": true,
           "insert": true,
           "delete": true,
           "modify": true

and similarly for "Physical_Locator_Set".

> Also, it is explicitly mentioned that (as below) and it does NOT contain
> the "Table name" in it.
> Each <monitor-request> is an
> object with the following members:
>        "columns": [<column>*]            optional
>        "select": <monitor-select>        optional
> However, in the message payload that I have, shows the tuple, which
> contains "Table : Columns : Select". This list of <monitor-request> constitute
> the <monitor-requests> as per the RFC definition.
> I see this as the discrepancy between the RFC definition and how the
> message is actually sent by the controller.

I don't understand what discrepancy you see.  Can you show an example,
for example by providing how you think the above example should actually
be encoded?
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