On Wed, Mar 07, 2018 at 11:47:48AM +0100, woz woz wrote:
> Dear support,
> I’m testing OpenVSwitch version 2.9. on my infrastructure using CentOS7,
> but I’m having any problem, below my config:
> I have 4 servers with the public IP address, e.g.
> A->
> B->
> C->
> D->
> between these servers I've configured a VXLAN tunnel, in this way :
> the server named A has a VXLAN tunnel with C and D
> the server named B has a VXLAN tunnel with C and D
> the servers named C and D obviously have a tunnel with A and B
> I executed this kind of configuration because I would like to have a
> redundancy between the servers A and B , e.g if A goes down I migrate all
> the services on B and the servers C and D can continue to work without any
> problem.
> But I have the following messages on the /var/log/message :
> "kernel: openvswitch: ovs: recursion limit reached on datapath ovs-system,
> probable configuration error”
> I 've read articles related to this kind of problem and I played also with
> the STP protocol in order to avoid a possible loop but I don't understand
> if I can use this configuration or I have to find another solution.

This message wouldn't be caused by a loop among servers but some kind of
configuration problem on an individual server.  When you see this
message, what is in the kernel flow table ("ovs-dpctl dump-flows") and
what ports are configured ("ovs-dpctl show")?
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