On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 2:03 PM, Han Zhou <zhou...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> Thank you so much for sharing this data. Please see my comments inline.
> On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 1:31 PM, Mark Michelson <mmich...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Han, I finally did some tests and looked at the CPU usage between
>> master and the ip7 branch.
>> On the machines running ovn-controller:
>> Master branch: Climbs to around 100% over the course of 3 minutes, then
>> oscillates close to 100% for about 10 minutes, and then is pegged to 100%
>> for the rest of the test. Total test time was about 23 minutes.
>> ip7 branch: oscillates between 10 and 25% for the first 10 minutes of the
>> test, then hovers around 10% for the rest. Total test time was about 19
>> minutes.
>> This is aligned with my observation of ~90% improvement on CPU cost.
> For the throughput/total time, the improvement ratio is different (in my
> test case the execution time reduced ~50%) but I think it can be explained.
> The total execution time is not accurately reflecting the efficiency of the
> processing, because when CPU is 100%, ovn-controller processing will be
> slowed down which may just end up less iterations during the whole test. I
> think the stop-watch profiling mechanism you implemented (also rebased into
> the incremental processing) will be able to tell the truth. The real impact
> of that is longer latency for handling a change in control plane. So I also
> use latency to evaluate the improvement. The way I test latency is using
> ovn-nbctl --wait=hv, with the nb_cfg improvement (
> https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/899608/).
> When I switched over to tests that have ACLs:
>> Master branch: Behaves about the same as the master branch when no ACLs
>> are used. Total test time was about 28 minutes
>> ip7 branch: CPU usage hovered around 30% for the entirety of the test,
>> hitting spikes around 50% a couple of times. Total test time was about 25
>> minutes.
>> Since I had not done it yet, I also ran perf while running the
>> incremental branch with ACLs. I am attaching the flame graph here. The gist
>> is that much like the master branch, the majority of CPU time is spent
>> processing logical flows.
>> Seeing the drop in CPU usage between the master branch and the ip7 branch
>> makes me think it is worth investigating other areas that may be the
>> bottleneck. I monitored memory, disk usage, and network usage on the
>> machines, but I didn't see anything that seemed obvious as being the cause
>> for delay.
>> The CPU drop between master and ip7 when testing with ACLs, for my
> understanding, most likely because of incremental processing avoids
> recompute flows when irrelevant input such as pinctrl/ofctrl messages (e.g.
> probe/echo) comes, while in master any of these inputs would trigger
> recomputing.

>> CPU-wise, I think the biggest improvements that can be made to the
>> incremental processing branch are:
>> * Adding a change handler for the Address_Set table.
>> * ofctrl_put() improvements we have discussed.
>> I think this will have noticeable improvements in our test times.
>> However, based on how much the CPU usage dropped just from switching to the
>> incremental processing branch, I think there are likely some other
>> bottlenecks in our tests that would be more impactful to remove. We already
>> know that "ovn_network.bind_port" and "ovn_network.wait_port_up" in
>> ovn-scale-test terminology are the operations in our test iterations that
>> take the longest. If we can break those down into smaller pieces, we can
>> potentially zero in on what to target next.
> I am not sure if there is any other *big* bottlenecks, but
> address-set/port-group and ofctrl_put() improvement are surely needed :)
> The latest patch I provided is from my ip9 branch, which is rebased on
> master this week, with some code refactors. Feel free to try it, but don't
> expect any performance difference.

Hi Mark,

Do you still have the same environment to try out the address-set
incremental processing patches, to see if it improves the test results for
ACLs with per-port address sets updates?
The patch is v3:
It is also in branch ip11.

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