
We want to make some OSV code modification in order to obtain fuctionality
desribed in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.07993.pdf
Strictly speaking wa want to implement the part related to Figure 4 on page
10. In shortcut, the proposed mechanism uses 2 flow tables (Detailed and
Coarse Flow Table, DTF and CFT). The first stores exact 5-tuple match, when
the latter cotains match based on only destination network. When a flow is
missed in DFT, the second table is looked up. When the match is found in
CFT, a packated is proccessed according to this much and simultaneously
switch prepares a new match based on this packet 5-tuple and acctions
copied from CFT. Such flow is inserted by switch into DFT itself.

We founnd the place where a packet is processed in OVC code, i.e.,
hanle_upcalls(), but don't know and where flows are inserted to selected
tables. Any tips or help are welcome.
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