On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 8:06 AM Anil Venkata <anilvenk...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Packets destined for VLAN remote logical ports are sent out through physical 
> table 65 rather than physical table 32 (Geneve remote logical ports are sent 
> through table 32). I found below description in ovn architecture 
> documentation.
> http://www.openvswitch.org//support/dist-docs/ovn-architecture.7.html
> A  special  case  is  that  when a localnet port exists on the
> datapath, remote port is connected by switching to the  localā€
> net  port.  In this case, instead of adding a flow in table 32
> to reach the remote port, a flow  is  added  in  table  33  to
> switch  the logical outport to the localnet port, and resubmit
> to table 33 as if it were unicasted to a logical port  on  the
> local hypervisor.
> Any reason for this decision. Because of this, packet is redundantly 
> processed in logical switch's egress pipeline on both local and remote 
> hypervisors.

Have you identified a problem caused by this behavior?


Russell Bryant
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