I have setup OpenStack with OVS. I have a single Hyper-V server running the
controller and three CentOS instances(10.0.0.x) on a private subnet. I
created a router in OpenStack with SNAT disabled, as I only want it to route
traffic between the private subnet(10.0.0.x) and the external
subnet(172.16.1.x)/internet. All of the instances can ping each other along
with the external network(172.16.1.x). From the external network, I can ping
the interface of the ovs router on the external network. I can not though
ping inside the private network. A trace route stops at the IP of the OVS
router. With wireshark, I do not see anything coming from the external pc’s
IP. If I trace route it, I see packets making all the way to the OVS router
and then stop. Since I can ping one way, and not the other; I believe there
is something in the router/OVS that is stopping the packets to route into
the private subnet. What do I need to look at? (I have disabled all
firewalls on all OSes involved.)


Here is a sudo design of the setup.


Does respond to ping

   VM        OVS Router priv int    OVS Router ext int    External PC ->        ->     ->


Does not respond to ping

External PC    OVS Router ext int    OVS Router priv int       VM ->     ->        ->

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