
1) From the openstack documents, we know that for the tenant's dhcp 
functionality, the usage is to connect a dhcp netns to the ovs using a tap 
At the same time, the ovs-vsctl show that the tap interface is a type of 
internal interface for OVS.

While I could not add a tap type interface to ovs as an internal type of 
interface for OVS.

The commands I used,
a) ip tuntap add dev tap0 mode tap.
b) ovs-vsctl add-port ovs0 tap0 -- set inteface tap0 type=internal

error: "could not add network device tap12 to ofproto (No such device)"

2) My questions are ,
   a) how to add a tap interface to OVS and set it as internal type of 
interface of OVS?
   b) Even if the tap interface could be added into ovs, could it be added into 
a netns again?  If the tap interface could be added into ovs and a netns, how 
the traffic flows between the ovs and netns.

Much thanks.

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