Doing some testing of a new "ovs" build functionality built-in to Orabuntu-LXC 
which allows Orabuntu-LXC to be used purely as a tool for testing building and 
upgrading OpenvSwitch from source on RedHat-family Linux flavors and distros.  
This mode of Orabuntu-LXC bypasses all the container deployment functionality 
and just builds RPM for any supported version of OpenvSwitch and then installs 
the RPMs, allowing Orabuntu-LXC to be used purely as an OpenvSwitch build 
method development tool separate from Orabuntu-LXC's larger functionalities.

So I build OpenvSwitch 2.4.0 RPMs on Oracle Linux 6.  Install them.  Then I 
build OpenvSwitch 2.5.0 RPM's on same host.  Install them.  Then I build 
OpenvSwitch 2.5.9 RPMs on Oracle Linux 6 (same host) but this time run the full 
Orabuntu-LXC suite and create LXC linux containers and OpenvSwitches for them 
to run on, and VLAN's etc., i.e. a full container landscape, which also 
upgrades OpenvSwitch by RPM from 2.5.0 to 2.5.9.  Alles gut and I check:

[ubuntu@oracle61 uekulele]$ sudo ovs-vsctl --version

ovs-vsctl (Open vSwitch) 2.5.9
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DB Schema 7.12.1

gives 2.5.9

but when I run "ovs-vsctl show" the output gives (at the end) as shown below 
and surprisingly goes all the way back to the original 2.4.0 that I installed 
in Orabuntu-LXC "ovs" mode for just building and install Openvswitch (but not 
creating any switches).  So I'm wondering why if no switches were created 
between the upgrade of OpenvSwitch from 2.4.0 --> 2.5.0 why "ovs-vsctl show" 
does not at least show "2.5.0" since the switches themselves were not created 
until the 3rd run when I ran the full Orabuntu-LXC installer to create a 
container landscape.

[ubuntu@oracle61 uekulele]$ sudo ovs-vsctl show

(output truncated for brevity)
        Port "a5"
            tag: 11
            Interface "a5"
                error: "could not open network device a5 (No such device)"
    ovs_version: "2.4.0"     <-- (Shows the old 2.5.0 version here not the new 
2.5.9 version)

So then I reboot the host, and check again and now alles gut again all is as it 
was meant to be now.

[ubuntu@oracle61 ~]$ sudo ovs-vsctl show
[sudo] password for ubuntu:
    Bridge "sw6"
        Port "sw6"
            Interface "sw6"
                type: internal

(output truncated for brevity)
    Bridge "sw7"

        Port "sw7"
            Interface "sw7"
                type: internal
    ovs_version: "2.5.9"                      <-- Now the versions match

[ubuntu@oracle61 ~]$ sudo ovs-vsctl --version

ovs-vsctl (Open vSwitch) 2.5.9         <-- Now the versions match
Compiled Oct 25 2019 14:31:55
DB Schema 7.12.1
[ubuntu@oracle61 ~]$

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