             I am agreed that ,under normal circumstances, there is no need to 
allow left server back to origin server . But I met some strange situation. For 
example ,sometimes, one server may be with two diffrent UUIDs recorded by 
Leader server. 
             I think if the left server could be back to origin server, it will 
be a easy solution to solve many strange problems.


At 2019-11-06 05:31:25, "Ben Pfaff" <b...@ovn.org> wrote:
>On Tue, Nov 05, 2019 at 08:10:41PM +0800, taoyunupt wrote:
>> Hi,Numan,
>>                 When I  run OVN/RAFT cluster, I found a server(which 
>> initiative to leave or be kicked off ) ,cannot be added back to origin 
>> cluster. I found the code as following, can you tell me the reason , many 
>> thanks!
>>     case RAFT_REC_NOTE:
>>         if (!strcmp(r->note, "left")) {
>>             return ovsdb_error(NULL, "record %llu indicates server has left "
>>                                "the cluster; it cannot be added back (use "
>>                                "\"ovsdb-tool join-cluster\" to add a new "
>>                                "server)", rec_idx);
>The Raft dissertation doesn't contemplate the possibility of a server
>re-joining a cluster.  Allowing it would add new corner cases that
>aren't worth dealing with.
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