Thanks Guru:

Sounds good. Can you please grant user aginwala as admin? I can create two
repos ovs and ovn under openvswitch org and can push new stable release
versions there.

On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 10:04 AM Guru Shetty <> wrote:

> On Fri, 8 Nov 2019 at 09:53, Guru Shetty <> wrote:
>> I had created a openvswitch repo in docker as a placeholder. Happy to
>> provide it to whoever the admin is.
> i.e. You can use the keyword "openvswitch". For e.g., right now, it has
> one stale image.
> docker run -d --net=none openvswitch/ipam:v2.4.90 /bin/sh -c "while true;
> do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"
> So if we want the name "openvswitch", this is one option. If we prefer
> ovs/ovn or other keywords, then the admin can create a new one.
>> On Thu, 7 Nov 2019 at 13:15, aginwala <> wrote:
>>> Hi All:
>>> As discussed in the meeting today, we all agreed that it will be a good
>>> idea to push docker images for each new ovs/ovn stable release. Hence, need
>>> help from maintainers Ben/Mark/Justin/Han to address some open action items
>>> as it is more of org/ownership/rights related:
>>>    1. Get new repo created under with name either ovs/ovn and
>>>    declare it public repo
>>>    2. How about copy-rights for running images for open source projects
>>>    3. Storage: unlimited or some limited GBs
>>>    4. Naming conventions for docker images ;e.g
>>>    openswitch/ovn:2.13.1_debian or openswitch/ovn:2.13.1_rhel. Similar
>>>    for ovs.
>>> Once this is done, we can bundle docker image changes in the same
>>> release process
>>> Please feel free to add any missing piece.
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