
               Thanks for your reply.  I have tried your suggestion. But I 
found that  it just could create one NB connection or one SB connection.  In 
RAFT, we need at least two.
               That means  the output  of 'ovn-nbctl get-connection' has two 
lines. What do you think if I want to fix this problem?
               May be you don't need to consider how to have two connections 
for NB. Actually, I want to know how to solve the  "inactivity_probe"  problem. 


At 2020-02-07 03:05:37, "aginwala" <aginw...@asu.edu> wrote:

Hi Yun:

For changing inactivity probe which is 5 sec default, you need to create 
connection entry both for sb and nb db.
ovn-nbctl -- --id=@conn_uuid create Connection \
target="<ptcp/ssl>\:<your-pord>\:<vip-ip>" \
inactivity_probe=<value> -- set NB_Global . connections=@conn_uuid

ovn-nbctl set connection . inactivity_probe=<value> will then work!

To tune the election timer for raft on say nb db, you can tune with below 
ovs-appctl -t /var/run/openvswitch/ovnnb_db.ctl cluster/change-election-timer 
OVN_Northbound <value>
You can run similar settings for sb db for tuning the value

On Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 4:00 AM taoyunupt <taoyun...@126.com> wrote:

                I happend the problem that there are frequently elections in 
RAFT cluster members . I think it was cause by the not good connection between 
members of RARF cluster. As the log shows.
                Becase  the output of  "ovn-sbctl get-connection"  is none in 
RAFT cluster member,  So the command "ovn-sbctl set connection . 
inactivity_probe=180000"  not works.
                Do you know how to set "inactivity_probe"  when we use RAFT 
cluster?   It will be appreciateed  if you have more suggestions.

2020-02-05T01:37:29.178Z|03424|reconnect|ERR|tcp: no 
response to inactivity probe after 5 seconds, disconnecting
2020-02-05T01:37:30.519Z|03425|raft|INFO|tcp:10.xxx.8.210:59300: learned server 
ID cdec
2020-02-05T01:37:30.519Z|03426|raft|INFO|tcp:10.xxx.8.210:59300: learned remote 
address tcp:
2020-02-05T03:52:02.791Z|03427|raft|INFO|received leadership transfer from 3e2e 
in term 64
2020-02-05T03:52:02.791Z|03428|raft|INFO|term 65: starting election
2020-02-05T03:52:02.792Z|03429|reconnect|INFO|tcp:10.xxx.8.208:6643: connection 
closed by peer
2020-02-05T03:52:02.869Z|03430|raft|INFO|term 65: elected leader by 2+ of 3 
2020-02-05T03:52:03.210Z|03431|raft|INFO|tcp:10.xxx.8.208:46140: learned server 
ID 3e2e
2020-02-05T03:52:03.210Z|03432|raft|INFO|tcp:10.xxx.8.208:46140: learned remote 
address tcp:10.xxx.8.208:6643
2020-02-05T03:52:03.793Z|03434|reconnect|INFO|tcp: connected

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