
There is any guidance to backup and restore OVN nb-db and sb-db?

Is /var/lib/openvswitch/ovn-[ns]b/ovn[ns]b.db the only database file?

For 3-node DB cluster, is replication 3 (the data is replicated onto
All 3 nodes)?

Are DB files on 3 nodes identical?

If I stop a DB follower and empty the DB file on the follower node,
when I start it back, is the whole DB going to be replicated to it?

To backup the DB, is it OK to copy the DB file from any node, assuming
no transaction ongoing?

Is the following going to work to restore the DB?
* Stop all 3 DBs.
* Copy backup DB file to one node, empty DB file on the rest two nodes.
* Bootstrap the node with DB file.
* Start the rest two nodes to join the cluster.

Do I need to restore sb-db as well? Or restore nb-db only and let
ovn-northd to sync data from nb-db to sb-db. Chassis data should be
updated by onv-controller?

I am running scaling test. It takes quite a lot of time to build
Configurations. Wondering if I can back and restore DB to rollback
to some checkpoint to avoid restart all over.



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