On 8/6/20 2:03 PM, Brendan Doyle wrote:
> On 06/08/2020 12:31, Dumitru Ceara wrote:
>> On 8/6/20 11:54 AM, Brendan Doyle wrote:
>>> I don't see any ovn-northd.log log, I only see those when I'm running
>>> OVN outside the k8s cluster.
>>> Before I start the Satefulset on my k8 nodes I run:
>>> ovn-ctl stop_northd
>>> ovn-ctl stop_ovsdb
>>> rm -rf /usr/etc/ovn/*.db
>>> The only logs I see are ovn-controller.log  (I'm running ovn controller
>>> on the K8 nodes) ovsdb-server-nb.log ovsdb-server-sb.log
>>> These logs look normal
>> ovn-northd is the daemon that translates OVN_Northbound DB records to
>> OVN_Southbound DB records (including logical flows). If your deployment
>> doesn't start ovn-northd SB won't get populated.
> Well I use the ovnkube-db-raft.yaml and ovn-setup.yaml as per the
> documentation, and they call
> ovndb-raft-functions.sh and start the OVN procs as:
> run_as_ovs_user_if_needed \
>       ${OVNCTL_PATH} run_${db}_ovsdb --no-monitor \
>       --db-${db}-cluster-local-addr=[${ovn_db_host}] \
>       --db-${db}-cluster-local-port=${raft_port} \
>       --db-${db}-cluster-local-proto=${transport} \
>       ${db_ssl_opts} \
>       --ovn-${db}-log="${ovn_loglevel_db}" &

This seems to be starting the NB/SB DBs only.

> Are you saying that there is more to do?? as in invoke run-ovn-northd()

Yes, something has to start ovn-northd.

> in ovnkube.sh which is called
> from the ovnkube-master.yaml file? I see that
> https://github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes says
> Apply OVN DaemonSet and Deployment yamls.
> |# Create OVN namespace, service accounts, ovnkube-db headless service,
> configmap, and policies kubectl create -f
> $HOME/work/src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/dist/yaml/ovn-setup.yaml #
> Run ovnkube-db deployment. kubectl create -f
> $HOME/work/src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/dist/yaml/ovnkube-db.yaml
> # Run ovnkube-master deployment. kubectl create -f
> $HOME/work/src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/dist/yaml/ovnkube-master.yaml
> # Run ovnkube daemonset for nodes kubectl create -f
> $HOME/work/src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/dist/yaml/ovnkube-node.yaml
> |
> But makes no mention of ovnkube-db-raft.yaml ?? so is the above is the
> correct procedure?
> what then is ovnkube-db-raft.yaml for?

I'm not sure about the ovnkube specifics, I'll let someone from the
ovn-k8s team comment about this. But as mentioned above, something needs
to start ovn-northd otherwise the SB won't get populated.


> Note I don't want to replace flannel with OVN as the CNI, I just want to
> run OVN central in a k8
> StatefulSet, that use flannel as the CNI.
> Is it documented anywhere how I can do this? I would have thought that
> ovnkube-db-raft.yaml
> was the way to go, and that it would start all that is needed??
> Do I need to run all of the above yamls too, or just a subset? and will
> they interfere with ovnkube-db-raft.yaml
> and/or flannel? Do I need to just drop ovnkube-db-raft.yaml???
> Can someone provide the exact yamls I need to do this please
> Thanks
> Brendan.

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