This problem is fixed, update info as follows:

1)       The following patch can fix the problem  happened when using the 
testing code of the previous mail.


2)       What we need here is a  memory_order_acquire sematics when getting 
impl->size, to make sure, the

current cpu to get impl->vector content correctly.

3)       The key point here is release/consume,  release/require must be used 
in paired. If ptr is inserted

into pvec->temp and published later with ovsrcu_set, ovsrcu_get could get the 
correct pvector->impl->vector

content (both ptr and *ptr). But sometimes pvector_insert is worked with impl 
and only release impl->size, so impl->size need to be get use acquire sematics 
to get correct impl->vector
content. pvector->size and pvector->vector has no data-dependent relationship, 
so acquire must be used here, not consume.

>Hi All,
>Recently we found a problem, as follow:
>1.         Problem description:
>PVECTOR_FOR_EACH use ovsrcu_get to get pvector’s current impl pointer, and the 
>in ovsrcu_get will ensure *impl is read after this instruction, so we can get 
>the the correct ptr value in
>impl->vector[0], but it seems that we cannot make sure that the *ptr value is 
>also correct.
>2.         Verification through testing:
>Copy the test code into file lib/dpif-netdev.c, and the modify fuction 
>pmd_thread_main, insert the following line
>in the for (;;) loop:
>  if the do_atomic_consumer is implement without mutex lock, we can easily get 
> the following log in ovs-vswitchd.log:
>      ----my_itrator:143, my_value:144  (we may get other values, and 
> my_itrator = my_value - 1 stay true.
>   The consumer thread can get dirty memory with memory_order_consume, if we 
> change ovsrcu_get to get values
>   with memory_order_acquire, we can still get the error message (my_itrator = 
> my_value - 1).
>   We can fix this problem if consumer thread access data with g_pvector_lock’ 
> protection, but pvector is designed
>to use without locks. Where did it go wrong? Can anyone here give some 
>--------------------------------------------- A error case truly happened 
>whining using pvector --------------------------
>Suppose a scenario as follows:
>1)   handler thread insert a dpcls_subtable, whose address is p,
>to datapath classifier’s (struct dpcls) pvector;
>2)   pmd thread call fast_path_processing to find the subtable and access 
>address p;
>3)   the subtable above is destroyed by someone;
>4)   handler thread insert another subtable, whose address is also p,
>and insert to dpcls’s pvector;
>5)   pmd thread call fast_path_processing -> dp_netdev_pmd_lookup_flow
>-> dpcls_lookup to access the subtable from pvector.
>We use PVECTOR_FOR_EACH to iterate the pvector in step 5, no locks is used, 
>dirty memory access may
>cause to ovs-vswitchd process coredump.
>----------------------------------------------Testing codes are as follows 
>static struct pvector  g_atomic_test;
>static unsigned char  g_my_data[65536];
>static unsigned char  g_value = 0;
>static int    g_index = 0;
>static struct ovs_mutex g_pvector_lock = OVS_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
>static void do_atomic_producer(void)
>    ovs_mutex_lock(&g_pvector_lock);
>    if (g_index < 65536) {
>        g_my_data[g_index] = g_value;
>        pvector_insert(&g_atomic_test, (void *)&g_my_data[g_index], 0);
>        g_index++;
>    } else {
>        for (int i = 0; i < g_index; i++) {
>            pvector_remove(&g_atomic_test, (void *)&g_my_data[i]);
>        }
>        g_index = 0;
>        g_value++; //value can loops to zero;
>    }
>    pvector_publish(&g_atomic_test);
>    ovs_mutex_unlock(&g_pvector_lock);
>static void do_atomic_consumer(void)
>    unsigned char *my_itr;
>    unsigned char my_value;
>    bool first = true;
>    // ovs_mutex_lock(&g_pvector_lock);
>    PVECTOR_FOR_EACH (my_itr, &g_atomic_test) {
>      if (first) {
>          my_value = *my_itr;
>          first = false;
>      } else if (*my_itr != my_value) {
>          VLOG_ERR("----my_itrator:%u, my_value:%u\n", *my_itr, my_value);
>          break;
>      }
>    }
>    // ovs_mutex_unlock(&g_pvector_lock);
>static void do_atomic_test(struct dp_netdev_pmd_thread *pmd)
>   if (pmd->core_id == 1) {
>      do_atomic_producer();
>   } else {
>      do_atomic_consumer();
>   }

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