On Mon, Dec 07, 2020 at 11:35:02PM -0500, Vasu Dasari wrote:
> I see that flow monitoring is supported only with OpenFlow 1.1 and Nicira
> extensions.

You probably mean OpenFlow 1.0 with Nicira extensions.

> Currently I am working with a OpenFlow controller software which supports
> 1.3 and 1.4 only. So, sending OF 1.1 messages is not going to be easy.
> Is there anyone working on supporting Flow Monitoring to support negotiated
> OpenFlow versions(whatever version it may be)? If no one is working on
> this, I do not mind taking this up.

If it still hasn't been ported to later versions of OpenFlow, it's well
past time!  I don't know of anyone working on it.
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