To be honest, I think the direction of the ovn community is not towards a 
stable and clear structure. Especially in the patch integration in the past 
year, the new patch does not take too much into consideration for 
compatibility. Many of them are completely logical changes, so the cost of 
learning and following the ovn community is greatly increased. And many logical 
changes are completely unnecessary.
For example, ofctrl_dup_flow--->ovn_flow_dup, when looking at the new github 
code, I found that ofctrl_dup_flow was not found, and the new function did not 
change anything except the name. I think this change is completely unnecessary, 
except Will increase the time cost of reading new code.
Complexity such as (no other maliciousness), Incremental processing for flow 
installation by tracking:
Compared with the small benefits it brings (ofctl put itself is not a big 
bottleneck), I think the complexity it brings, and the changes brought by the 
code structure (the change of the existing version is a big cost) Is bigger. 
This is not conducive to the long-term stable development of ovn, because the 
code structure of ovn is becoming increasingly unclear.
As a general community participant, with long-term ovn production environment 
operating experience, I think the big bottleneck of ovn now is stability and 
structural clarity (for custom development). I hope ovn has clear code (like 
the code structure of the kernel), which can reduce the time cost of using it. 
I hope ovn is small, clear, stable, and reliable. Some personal suggestions, 
and finally hope that the ovn community will get better and better.
Best wishes.
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