Dear all:

I had a error when I run the ovs-gtp using the command sudo

yangtony1999@yangtony1999:~/mosaic5g/ovs-gtp$ sudo ./
ovs-vsctl: Error detected while setting up 'edge': could not open network
device edge (File exists).  See ovs-vswitchd log for details.
ovs-vsctl: The default log directory is "/usr/local/var/log/openvswitch".
ovs-vsctl: Error detected while setting up 's1u': could not add network
device s1u to ofproto (Address family not supported by protocol).  See
ovs-vswitchd log for details.
ovs-vsctl: The default log directory is "/usr/local/var/log/openvswitch".
yangtony1999@yangtony1999:~/mosaic5g/ovs-gtp$ sudo ovs-vsctl
    Bridge edge
        Controller "tcp:"
        Port edge
            Interface edge
                type: internal
        Port "s1u"
            Interface "s1u"
                type: gtp
                options: {key=flow, remote_ip=flow}
                error: "could not add network device s1u to ofproto
(Address family not supported by protocol)"
        Port "enp68s0"
            Interface "enp68s0"

Any suggestions for me?
Many Thanks
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