Hello all,

Having just spent several days chasing an unpredictable flow output
issue caused by duplicate IP addresses on LSPs in the same LS (see [0]
for details), I wanted to gauge the interest for remodeling this part
of the OVN NB DB data structure.

As mentioned in [0] we currently do have a duplicate check in the
ovn-nbctl tool, but since OVN has a database driven CMS facing API,
this does not help when the CMS is the source of the duplicate IPs due
to losing track of LSP creation and deletion.

There is no doubt that the problem owner here is the CMS, but I can't
help thinking that this problem would have had less severe
consequences and would be easier to detect if we could prevent the
duplicates from ever entering the database.

I'm thinking along the lines of creating a
Logical_Switch_Port_Addresses table with columns Logical_Switch_Port
(reference), mac_address, ip_address and a table uniqueness constraint
across that set of columns.

I know it is difficult to change behavior like this so far into the
lifetime of the feature, but I'm sure we'll be able to provide a
migration path if there is appetite for it.

Any thoughts?

0: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ovn/+bug/1961046

Frode Nordahl
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