On 2/19/23 11:56, Bilinmek Istemiyor wrote:

Thank you for the response,  It is really  helpful and I really appreciated it. As seen from my post, networking, specifically SDN is not a specialty of mine. Thank you for the directions. From your reply, I understand that openvswitch does not handle routing or layer 3 switching in itself, I need some external tools/settings to handle it.  I have several more questions, and I appreciate if you can provide your opinions about these. Please bare with me if they are really dumb questions because the information in the internet is overwhelming for me and I have difficulty to extract answers for these basic questions.

linux networking is powerful.  you'll need to go through a series of ah-hah! moments to understand what it can do.

I always thought mininet is a isolated simulation environment for some academic or research work and not for real environments. I hear that routers, switches with different topologies can be created with mininet easily. Is it possible to use it daily for the requirements that I presented previously? Will there be performance penalty against a setting if the same topology is created with other tools you specified, openvswitch, iproute2 etc?

mininet is an automation tool, which makes use of linux iproute2 command line tools.   it can be used for testing and education, and production if it meets the needs.

but before you try mininet, you should use the command line tools natively first.  then you'll understand how the other tools work.

https://baturin.org/docs/iproute2/#ip-netns  - look for the heading "Connect one namespace to another " - then use ip link to turn on interfaces, and ip addr to assign addreses within each namespace.

Once you can accomplish that, you'll have been introduced to the basics of links, addressing, and namespaces, which form the basis for much of linux networking.  And these are the tools which mininet abstracts so you don't have to run these commands individually all the time.

hence, no, there are no performance penalties for using the higher abstraction tools.

I have seen some blogs/post using openwrt as a virtual router or just using a linux box in a virtual machine as a static router. What do you think about this?

there is no need for any of these other tools, other than if you simply want to use their gui abstractions to perform what can be done natively under the hood.

Any old modern linux distribution/kernel will provide all these functions natively

I may be wrong but  if I understand correctly  that with openflow it is possible to do the routing or l3 switching without actually needing a router. I will be needing an openflow controller I presume along with openflow enabled switches, and some flows need to be programmed. Openvswicth does openflow but misses controller part to the best of my understanding. Are these statements correct? If so which tools should I use to do layer 3 switching with openflow.

openflow is, in effect, and some embellishments, a layer 2 switch. it can be controlled via command line arguments or via various and sundry openflow controllers.

You have not commented anything about open virtual networking (ovn). What do you think about it. It is not in proposed your set of solutions. I ask it even though it will be hard to use for me it since I have not encountered a package for arch linux.

ovn is one of those controllers, and can perform some rudimentary layer 3 routing.  I'd learn openvswitch prior to getting into the intricacies of ovn.  It will then become more apparent as to the its use cases.

I would recommend learning basic iproute2/ovs prior to getting into ovn.

Which direction would you chose if you were me.  mininet, openflow/openvswitch, openswitch/openwrt/linuxboxrouter etc.

iproute2 (https://baturin.org/docs/iproute2), ovs for basic link and vlan management, mininet to create larger learning environments, then, well, lots of possible directions.

Thanks in advance....

good luck

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