On 3/16/23 23:06, Jake Yip wrote:
> Hi all,
> Apologies for jumping into this thread. We are seeing the same and it's nice 
> to find someone with similar issues :)
> On 8/3/2023 3:43 am, Ilya Maximets via discuss wrote:
>>>> We see failures on the OVSDB Relay side:
>>>> 2023-03-06T22:19:32.966Z|00099|reconnect|ERR|ssl:xxx:16642: no response to 
>>>> inactivity probe after 5 seconds, disconnecting
>>>> 2023-03-06T22:19:32.966Z|00100|reconnect|INFO|ssl:xxx:16642: connection 
>>>> dropped
>>>> 2023-03-06T22:19:40.989Z|00101|reconnect|INFO|ssl:xxx:16642: connected
>>>> 2023-03-06T22:19:50.997Z|00102|reconnect|ERR|ssl:xxx:16642: no response to 
>>>> inactivity probe after 5 seconds, disconnecting
>>>> 2023-03-06T22:19:50.997Z|00103|reconnect|INFO|ssl:xxx:16642: connection 
>>>> dropped
>>>> 2023-03-06T22:19:59.022Z|00104|reconnect|INFO|ssl:xxx:16642: connected
>>>> 2023-03-06T22:20:09.026Z|00105|reconnect|ERR|ssl:xxx:16642: no response to 
>>>> inactivity probe after 5 seconds, disconnecting
>>>> 2023-03-06T22:20:09.026Z|00106|reconnect|INFO|ssl:xxx:16642: connection 
>>>> dropped
>>>> 2023-03-06T22:20:17.052Z|00107|reconnect|INFO|ssl:xxx:16642: connected
>>>> 2023-03-06T22:20:27.056Z|00108|reconnect|ERR|ssl:xxx:16642: no response to 
>>>> inactivity probe after 5 seconds, disconnecting
>>>> 2023-03-06T22:20:27.056Z|00109|reconnect|INFO|ssl:xxx:16642: connection 
>>>> dropped
>>>> 2023-03-06T22:20:35.111Z|00110|reconnect|INFO|ssl:xxx:16642: connected
>>>> On the DB cluster this looks like:
>>>> 2023-03-06T22:19:04.208Z|00451|stream_ssl|WARN|SSL_read: unexpected SSL 
>>>> connection close
>>>> 2023-03-06T22:19:04.211Z|00452|reconnect|WARN|ssl:xxx:52590: connection 
>>>> dropped (Protocol error)
>> OK.  These are symptoms.  The cause must be something like
>> 'Unreasonably long MANY ms poll interval' on the DB cluster side.
>> i.e. the reason why the main DB cluster didn't reply to the
>> probes sent from the relay.  Because as soon as server receives
>> the probe, it replies right back.  If it didn't reply, it was
>> doing something else for an extended period of time.  "MANY" is
>> more than 5 seconds.
> We are seeing the same issue here after moving to OVN relay.
> - On the relay "no response to inactivity probe after 5 seconds"
> - On the OVSDB cluster
>   - "Unreasonably long 1726ms poll interval"
>   - "connection dropped (Input/output error)"
>   - "SSL_write: system error (Broken pipe)"
>   - 100% CPU on northd process
> Is there anything we could look for on the OVSDB side to narrow down what may 
> be causing the load on the cluster side?
> A brief history - We are migrating an OpenStack cloud from MidoNet to OVN. 
> This cloud has roughly
> - 400 neutron networks / ovn logical switches
> - 300 neutron routers
> - 14000 neutron ports / ovn logical switchports
> - 28000 neutron security groups / ovn port group
> - 80000 neutron secgroup rules / acl
> We populated the OVN DB by using OpenStack/Neutron ovn sync script.
> We have attempted the migration twice previously (2021, 2022) but failed due 
> to load issues. We've reported issues and have seen lots of performance 
> improvements over the last two years. Here is a BIG thank you to the dev 
> teams!
> We are now on the following versions
> - OVS 2.17
> - OVN 22.03
> We are exploring upgrade as an option, but I am concerned if there's 
> something fundamentally wrong with the data / config we have that is causing 
> the high load, and would like to rule that out first. Please let me know if 
> you need more information, will be happy to start a new thread too.

Hi, Jake.  Your scale numbers are fairly high, i.e. this number of
objects in the setup may indeed create a noticeable load.

The fact that relay is disconnecting with only 1726ms poll intervals
on the main cluster side is a bit strange.  Not sure why this happened.
Normally it should be 5+ seconds.

The versions you're using have an upgrade path with potentially
significant performance improvements, e.g OVS 3.1 + OVN 23.03.
Both ovsdb-server and core OVN components became much faster in
the previous year.

I'm not sure if there is anything fundamentally wrong with your setup,
other than the total amount of resources.

If you have a freedom of building your own packages and the relay
disconnection is the main problem in your setup, you may try something
like this:

diff --git a/ovsdb/relay.c b/ovsdb/relay.c
index 9ff6ed8f3..5c5937c27 100644
--- a/ovsdb/relay.c
+++ b/ovsdb/relay.c
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ ovsdb_relay_add_db(struct ovsdb *db, const char *remote,
     shash_add(&relay_dbs, db->name, ctx);
     ovsdb_cs_set_leader_only(ctx->cs, false);
     ovsdb_cs_set_remote(ctx->cs, remote, true);
+    ovsdb_cs_set_probe_interval(ctx->cs, 16000);
     VLOG_DBG("added database: %s, %s", db->name, remote);

This change will set 16 seconds as inactivity probe interval for
relay-to-server connection by default.

Best regards, Ilya Maximets.
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