On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 5:35 PM Eelco Chaudron <echau...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On 22 Mar 2023, at 17:19, Alex Zetaeffesse wrote:
> > For the bridge's interfaces' list, I guess the shorter the output the
> > better...
> >
> > root@pve:~# ovs-vsctl list-ifaces vmbr1
> > enp6s0f0
> > enp7s0f0
> > sv_z1ad0101
> > sv_z1ad0102
> > sv_z1ad0103
> > sv_z1ad0104
> > sv_z1ad4064
> Use ovs-vsctl show, as it shows the bridge, and all the ports with the
> relations (and some additional config).
> For example:
> ovs-vsctl show
> 19ff182e-79a7-4f74-ae4a-5bc217d2c558
>     Bridge br1
>         Port br1
>             Interface br1
>                 type: internal
>     Bridge ovs_pvp_br0
>         datapath_type: netdev
>         Port dpdk0p1
>             Interface dpdk0p1
>                 type: dpdk
>                 options: {dpdk-devargs="0000:17:00.1", n_rxq="2"}
>         Port dpdk0p0
>             Interface dpdk0p0
>                 type: dpdk
>                 options: {dpdk-devargs="0000:17:00.0", n_rxq="2"}
>         Port vhost0
>             Interface vhost0
>                 type: dpdkvhostuserclient
>                 options: {n_rxq="2", vhost-server-path="/tmp/vhost-sock0"}
>         Port ovs_pvp_br0
>             Interface ovs_pvp_br0
>                 type: internal
>     ovs_version: "3.1.1"

I was confusing OVS bond with kernel bond...
Anyway, this is what I did eventually

ip link add bond0 type bond
ip link set bond0 type bond miimon 100 mode 802.3ad
ip link set enp6s0f0 down
ip link set enp6s0f0 master bond0
ip link set enp7s0f0 down
ip link set enp7s0f0 master bond0
ip link set bond0 up

ovs-vsctl add-port vmbr1 bond0

ovs-vsctl set port sv_z1ad0101 vlan_mode=dot1q-tunnel tag=101
ovs-vsctl set port sv_z1ad0102 vlan_mode=dot1q-tunnel tag=102
ovs-vsctl set port sv_z1ad0103 vlan_mode=dot1q-tunnel tag=103
ovs-vsctl set port sv_z1ad0104 vlan_mode=dot1q-tunnel tag=104

"ovs-vsctl show" shows the port and their details but not the options
attached to them, is there any way to do that?

Otherwise, I can get the details I need by specifying them

root@pve:~# ovs-vsctl get port sv_z1ad0101 vlan_mode
root@pve:~# ovs-vsctl get port sv_z1ad0101 tag

It finally works!
Thanks for your patience and help!

Now I know what bridges should look like when using ProxMox's tools; it's
time to move the challenge to their forum :-)

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