On 3/31/23 01:14, Vladislav Odintsov wrote:
> Thanks Ilya for such a detailed description about inactivity probes and 
> keepalives.
> regards,
> Vladislav Odintsov
> regards,
> Vladislav Odintsov
>> On 31 Mar 2023, at 00:37, Ilya Maximets via discuss 
>> <ovs-discuss@openvswitch.org> wrote:
>> On 3/30/23 22:51, Vladislav Odintsov via discuss wrote:
>>> Hi Ilya,
>>> following your recomendation I’ve built OVS 3.1.0 plus Terry’s patch [1].
>>> It’s a bit outdated, but with some changes related to "last_command" logic 
>>> in ovs*ctl it successfully built.
>>> Also, I grabbed your idea gust to hardcode inactivity interval for ovsdb 
>>> relay because it just solves my issue.
>>> So, after testing it seems to work fine. I’ve managed to run ovn-sb-db 
>>> cluster with custom connections from local db and ovsdb relay with 
>>> connections from sb db.
>> Good to know.
>>> I’ve got a question here:
>>> Do we actually need probing from relay to sb cluster if we have configured 
>>> probing from the other side in other direction (db cluster to relay)? Maybe 
>>> we even can just set to 0 inactivity probes in ovsdb/relay.c?
>> If connection between relay and the main cluster is lost, relay may
>> not notice this and just think that there are no new updates.  All the
>> clients connected to that relay will have stale data as a result.
>> Inactivity probe interval is essentially a value for how long you think
>> you can afford that condition to last.
> Do I understand you correctly that by “connection is lost” you mean an 
> accidental termination of tcp session? Like iptables drop or cluster member 
> got killed by sigkill?

Right.  Here also sudden power loss, someone tripping over a cable,
machine force-reset and other causes like this.

> In my understanding if cluster member will just be gracefully stopped, it’ll 
> gracefully shutdown the connection and relay will reconnect to another 
> cluster member?

That's correct.  Graceful shutdown will trigger a correct termination
of TCP session, so the other end will know and re-connect.

> Just of curiosity, in case of accidental termination, where some “outdated” 
> ovn-controller which is connected to relay which in turn thinks it is 
> connected to cluster but it is not. If in such condition ovn-controller tries 
> to claim vif, will relay detect connection failure and reconnecy to another 
> “upstream”?

It depends, but it may not detect an issue.  Relay basically
forwards a transaction.  So, it will send the transaction
received from ovn-controller to the socket "connected" to the
main cluster.  And it will wait for reply.  And reply will
never arrive.  If transaction doesn't have a timeout specified
(and ovn-controller transactions do not), both controller
and the relay may wait for the transaction reply indefinitely.

>>> Also, ovsdb relay has active bidirectional probing to ovn-controllers.
>>> If tcp session got dropped, ovsdb relay wont notice this without probing?
>> TCP timeouts can be very high or may not exist at all, if the network
>> connectivity suddenly disappears (a firewall in between or one of
>> the nodes crashed), both the client and the server may not notice
>> that for a very long time.  I've seen in practice OVN clusters where
>> nodes suddenly disappeared (crashed) and other nodes didn't notice
>> that for many hours (caused by non-working inactivity probes).
>> Another interesting side effect to consider is if controller disappears
>> and the relay will keep sending updates to it, that may cause significant
>> memory usage increase on the relay, because it will keep the backlog of
>> data that underlying socket didn't accept.  May end up being killed by
>> OOM killer, if that continues long enough.
> By disappearing you mean death of ovn-controller without proper connection 
> termination?


> So if I understand correctly, relay-to-controllers probing is a “must have”.
> That’s interesting, thanks!

More or less, yes.  As I said in some other email, it's less important
than the opposite direction, so the actual probe interval can likely be set
higher, but we should have something to close dead connections eventually.

>> If you don't want to deal with inactivity probes, you may partially
>> replace them with TCP keepalive.  Disable probes and start daemons with
>> keepalive library preloaded, i.e. LD_PRELOAD=libkeepalive.so with the
>> configuration you think is suitable (default keepalive time is 2 hours
>> on many systems, so defaults are likely not a good choice).  You will
>> loose ability to detect infinite loops or deadlocks and stuff like that,
>> but at least, you'll be protected from pure network failures.
>> See some examples at the end of this page:
>> https://tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/TCP-Keepalive-HOWTO/
>> Running a cluster without any bidirectional probes is not advisable.
>> Best regards, Ilya Maximets.
>>> Thank you for your help and Terry for his patch!
>>> 1: 
>>> https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/project/openvswitch/patch/20220713030250.2634491-1-twil...@redhat.com/
>>>>> On 7 Mar 2023, at 19:43, Ilya Maximets via discuss 
>>>>> <ovs-discuss@openvswitch.org> wrote:
>>>> On 3/7/23 16:58, Vladislav Odintsov wrote:
>>>>> I’ve sent last mail from wrong account and indentation was lost.
>>>>> Resending...
>>>>>> On 7 Mar 2023, at 18:01, Vladislav Odintsov via discuss 
>>>>>> <ovs-discuss@openvswitch.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Ilya for the quick and detailed response!
>>>>>>> On 7 Mar 2023, at 14:03, Ilya Maximets via discuss 
>>>>>>> <ovs-discuss@openvswitch.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 3/7/23 00:15, Vladislav Odintsov wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Ilya,
>>>>>>>> I’m wondering whether there are possible configuration parameters for 
>>>>>>>> ovsdb relay -> main ovsdb server inactivity probe timer.
>>>>>>>> My cluster experiencing issues where relay disconnects from main 
>>>>>>>> cluster due to 5 sec. inactivity probe timeout.
>>>>>>>> Main cluster has quite big database and a bunch of daemons, which 
>>>>>>>> connects to it and it makes difficult to maintain connections in time.
>>>>>>>> For ovsdb relay as a remote I use in-db configuration (to provide 
>>>>>>>> inactivity probe and rbac configuration for ovn-controllers).
>>>>>>>> For ovsdb-server, which serves SB, I just set --remote=pssl:<port>.
>>>>>>>> I’d like to configure remote for ovsdb cluster via DB to set 
>>>>>>>> inactivity probe setting, but I’m not sure about the correct way for 
>>>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>>> For now I see only two options:
>>>>>>>> 1. Setup custom database scheme with connection table, serve it in 
>>>>>>>> same SB cluster and specify this connection when start ovsdb sb server.
>>>>>>> There is a ovsdb/local-config.ovsschema shipped with OVS that can be
>>>>>>> used for that purpose.  But you'll need to craft transactions for it
>>>>>>> manually with ovsdb-client.
>>>>>>> There is a control tool prepared by Terry:
>>>>>>> https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/project/openvswitch/patch/20220713030250.2634491-1-twil...@redhat.com/
>>>>>> Thanks for pointing on a patch, I guess, I’ll test it out.
>>>>>>> But it's not in the repo yet (I need to get back to reviews on that
>>>>>>> topic at some point).  The tool itself should be fine, but maybe name
>>>>>>> will change.
>>>>>> Am I right that in-DB remote configuration must be a hosted by this 
>>>>>> ovsdb-server database?
>>>> Yes.
>>>>>> What is the best way to configure additional DB on ovsdb-server so that 
>>>>>> this configuration to be permanent?
>>>> You may specify multiple database files on the command-line for 
>>>> ovsdb-server
>>>> process.  It will open and serve each of them.  They all can be in 
>>>> different
>>>> modes, e.g. you have multiple clustered, standalone and relay databases in
>>>> the same ovsdb-server process.
>>>> There is also ovsdb-server/add-db appctl to add a new database to a running
>>>> process, but it will not survive the restart.
>>>>>> Also, am I understand correctly that there is no necessity for this DB 
>>>>>> to be clustered?
>>>> It's kind of a point of the Local_Config database to not be clustered.
>>>> The original use case was to allow each cluster member to listen on a
>>>> different IP. i.e. if you don't want to listen on and your
>>>> cluster members are on different nodes, so have different listening IPs.
>>>>>>>> 2. Setup second connection in ovn sb database to be used for ovsdb 
>>>>>>>> cluster and deploy cluster separately from ovsdb relay, because they 
>>>>>>>> both start same connections and conflict on ports. (I don’t use docker 
>>>>>>>> here, so I need a separate server for that).
>>>>>>> That's an easy option available right now, true.  If they are deployed
>>>>>>> on different nodes, you may even use the same connection record.
>>>>>>>> Anyway, if I configure ovsdb remote for ovsdb cluster with specified 
>>>>>>>> inactivity probe (say, to 60k), I guess it’s still not enough to have 
>>>>>>>> ovsdb pings every 60 seconds. Inactivity probe must be the same from 
>>>>>>>> both ends - right? From the ovsdb relay process.
>>>>>>> Inactivity probes don't need to be the same.  They are separate for each
>>>>>>> side of a connection and so configured separately.
>>>>>>> You can set up inactivity probe for the server side of the connection 
>>>>>>> via
>>>>>>> database.  So, server will probe the relay every 60 seconds, but today
>>>>>>> it's not possible to set inactivity probe for the relay-to-server 
>>>>>>> direction.
>>>>>>> So, relay will probe the server every 5 seconds.
>>>>>>> The way out from this situation is to allow configuration of relays via
>>>>>>> database as well, e.g. relay:db:Local_Config,Config,relays.  This will
>>>>>>> require addition of a new table to the Local_Config database and 
>>>>>>> allowing
>>>>>>> relay config to be parsed from the database in the code.  That wasn't
>>>>>>> implemented yet.
>>>>>>>> I saw your talk on last ovscon about this topic, and the solution was 
>>>>>>>> in progress there. But maybe there were some changes from that time? 
>>>>>>>> I’m ready to test it if any. Or, maybe there’s any workaround?
>>>>>>> Sorry, we didn't move forward much on that topic since the presentation.
>>>>>>> There are few unanswered questions around local config database.  Mainly
>>>>>>> regarding upgrades from cmdline/main db -based configuration to a local
>>>>>>> config -based.  But I hope we can figure that out in the current release
>>>>>>> time frame, i.e. before 3.2 release.
>>>>> Regarding configuration method… Just like an idea (I haven’t seen this 
>>>>> variant as one of possible).
>>>>> Remote add/remove is possible via ovsdb-server ctl socket. Could 
>>>>> introducing new command
>>>>> "ovsdb-server/set-remote-param PARAM=VALUE" be a solution here?
>>>> Yes, we could.  But it was kind of a point of the OVS Conf. presentation:
>>>> To have a unified way for the database server configuration via the 
>>>> database.
>>>> For this way of configuration to be successful, IMHO, we should refrain
>>>> from expanding appctl and command-line interfaces.  Otherwise, we will have
>>>> 3 differently incomplete ways of doing the same thing forever. :/
>>>> If you need a quick'n'dirty solution that doesn't survive restarts, appctl
>>>> command should be fairly easy to implement.
>>>>>>> There is also this workaround:
>>>>>>> https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/project/openvswitch/patch/an2a4qcpihpcfukyt1uomqre.1.1641782536691.hmail.wentao....@easystack.cn/
>>>>>>> It simply takes the server->relay inactivity probe value and applies it
>>>>>>> to the relay->server connection.  But it's not a correct solution, 
>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>> it relies on certain database names.
>>>>>>> Out of curiosity, what kind of poll intervals you see on your main 
>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>> setup that triggers inactivity probe failures?  Can upgrade to OVS 3.1
>>>>>>> solve some of these issues?  3.1 should be noticeably faster than 2.17,
>>>>>>> and also parallel compaction introduced in 3.0 removes one of the big
>>>>>>> reasons for large poll intervals.  OVN upgrade to 22.09+ or even 23.03
>>>>>>> should also help with database sizes.
>>>>>> We see failures on the OVSDB Relay side:
>>>>>> 2023-03-06T22:19:32.966Z|00099|reconnect|ERR|ssl:xxx:16642: no response 
>>>>>> to inactivity probe after 5 seconds, disconnecting
>>>>>> 2023-03-06T22:19:32.966Z|00100|reconnect|INFO|ssl:xxx:16642: connection 
>>>>>> dropped
>>>>>> 2023-03-06T22:19:40.989Z|00101|reconnect|INFO|ssl:xxx:16642: connected
>>>>>> 2023-03-06T22:19:50.997Z|00102|reconnect|ERR|ssl:xxx:16642: no response 
>>>>>> to inactivity probe after 5 seconds, disconnecting
>>>>>> 2023-03-06T22:19:50.997Z|00103|reconnect|INFO|ssl:xxx:16642: connection 
>>>>>> dropped
>>>>>> 2023-03-06T22:19:59.022Z|00104|reconnect|INFO|ssl:xxx:16642: connected
>>>>>> 2023-03-06T22:20:09.026Z|00105|reconnect|ERR|ssl:xxx:16642: no response 
>>>>>> to inactivity probe after 5 seconds, disconnecting
>>>>>> 2023-03-06T22:20:09.026Z|00106|reconnect|INFO|ssl:xxx:16642: connection 
>>>>>> dropped
>>>>>> 2023-03-06T22:20:17.052Z|00107|reconnect|INFO|ssl:xxx:16642: connected
>>>>>> 2023-03-06T22:20:27.056Z|00108|reconnect|ERR|ssl:xxx:16642: no response 
>>>>>> to inactivity probe after 5 seconds, disconnecting
>>>>>> 2023-03-06T22:20:27.056Z|00109|reconnect|INFO|ssl:xxx:16642: connection 
>>>>>> dropped
>>>>>> 2023-03-06T22:20:35.111Z|00110|reconnect|INFO|ssl:xxx:16642: connected
>>>>>> On the DB cluster this looks like:
>>>>>> 2023-03-06T22:19:04.208Z|00451|stream_ssl|WARN|SSL_read: unexpected SSL 
>>>>>> connection close
>>>>>> 2023-03-06T22:19:04.211Z|00452|reconnect|WARN|ssl:xxx:52590: connection 
>>>>>> dropped (Protocol error)
>>>> OK.  These are symptoms.  The cause must be something like
>>>> 'Unreasonably long MANY ms poll interval' on the DB cluster side.
>>>> i.e. the reason why the main DB cluster didn't reply to the
>>>> probes sent from the relay.  Because as soon as server receives
>>>> the probe, it replies right back.  If it didn't reply, it was
>>>> doing something else for an extended period of time.  "MANY" is
>>>> more than 5 seconds.
>>>>>> Does it state that configuring inactivity probe on the DB cluster side 
>>>>>> will not help and configuration on the relay side must be done?
>>>> Yes.  You likely need a configuration on the relay side.
>>>>>> We already run OVN 22.09.1 with some backports from next versions.
>>>>>> OVS version is 2.17, so I think it’s possible to try to upgrade OVS to 
>>>>>> 3.1. I’ll take a look on changelog, thanks for pointing this out!
>>>> 3.1 should definitely improve the database performance.
>>>> See the other OVSDB talk from the conference for details. :)
>>>> P.S. One of the reasons of Sb DB growth and subsequent slowing
>>>> down of the ovsdb-server might be growth of MAC_Binding table.
>>>> MAC_Binding aging is available in 22.09, you can try enabling it
>>>> if that's the problem in your setup (just a guess).
>>>> Best regards, Ilya Maximets.
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>>> Regards,
>>> Vladislav Odintsov
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