Hello OVN community,

This is a follow up on the message I have sent today [1]. That second
part focuses on some ideas I have to remove the limitations that were
mentioned in the previous email.


If you didn't read it, my goal is to start a discussion about how we
could improve OVN on the following topics:

- Reduce the memory and CPU footprint of ovn-controller, ovn-northd.
- Support scaling of L2 connectivity across larger clusters.
- Simplify CMS interoperability.
- Allow support for alternative datapath implementations.


This message does not mention anything about L3/L4 features of OVN.
I didn't have time to work on these, yet. I hope we can discuss how
these fit with my ideas.

Distributed mac learning

Use one OVS bridge per logical switch with mac learning enabled. Only
create the bridge if the logical switch has a port bound to the local


- Minimal openflow rules required in each bridge (ACLs and NAT mostly).
- No central mac binding table required.
- Mac table aging comes for free.
- Zero access to southbound DB for learned addresses nor for aging.


- How to manage seamless upgrades?
- Requires ovn-controller to move/plug ports in the correct bridge.
- Multiple openflow connections (one per managed bridge).
- Requires ovn-trace to be reimplemented differently (maybe other tools
  as well).

Use multicast for overlay networks

Use a unique 24bit VNI per overlay network. Derive a multicast group
address from that VNI. Use VXLAN address learning [2] to remove the need
for ovn-controller to know the destination chassis for every mac address
in advance.

[2] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7348#section-4.2


- Nodes do not need to know about others in advance. The control plane
  load is distributed across the cluster.
- 24bit VNI allows for more than 16 million logical switches. No need
  for extended GENEVE tunnel options.
- Limited and scoped "flooding" with IGMP/MLD snooping enabled in
  top-of-rack switches. Multicast is only used for BUM traffic.
- Only one VXLAN output port per implemented logical switch on a given


- OVS does not support VXLAN address learning yet.
- The number of usable multicast groups in a fabric network may be
- How to manage seamless upgrades and interoperability with older OVN

Connect ovn-controller to the northbound DB

This idea extends on a previous proposal to migrate the logical flows
creation in ovn-controller [3].


If the first two proposals are implemented, the southbound database can
be removed from the picture. ovn-controller can directly translate the
northbound schema into OVS configuration bridges, ports and flow rules.

For other components that require access to the southbound DB (e.g.
neutron metadata agent), ovn-controller should provide an interface to
expose state and configuration data for local consumption.

All state information present in the NB DB should be moved to a separate
state database [4] for CMS consumption.

[4] https://mail.openvswitch.org/pipermail/ovs-dev/2023-April/403675.html

For those who like visuals, I have started working on basic use cases
and how they would be implemented without a southbound database [5].

[5] https://link.excalidraw.com/p/readonly/jwZgJlPe4zhGF8lE5yY3


- The northbound DB is smaller by design: reduced network bandwidth and
  memory usage in all chassis.
- If we keep the northbound read-only for ovn-controller, it removes
  scaling issues when one controller updates one row that needs to be
  replicated everywhere.
- The northbound schema knows nothing about flows. We could introduce
  alternative dataplane backends configured by ovn-controller via
  plugins. I have done a minimal PoC to check if it could work with the
  linux network stack [6].

[6] https://github.com/rjarry/ovn-nb-agent/blob/main/backend/linux/bridge.go


- This would be a serious API breakage for systems that depend on the
  southbound DB.
- Can all OVN constructs be implemented without a southbound DB?
- Is the community interested in alternative datapaths?

Closing thoughts

I mainly focused on OpenStack use cases for now, but I think these
propositions could benefit Kubernetes as well.

I hope I didn't bore everyone to death. Let me know what you think.


Robin Jarry
Red Hat, Telco/NFV

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