Hallo Christian Magnusson, am Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2005 00:17 schriebst du:
> Could you try a couple of things...
> Does your adapter reconnect if you unplug it manually and then
> insert it again?
> If you look in owfs/modules/owlib/src/c/ow_ds9490.c, then find following
> comment on row 437 or something..
> LEVEL_DEFAULT("Found device [%s] on adapter [%s] (want: %s)\n", i);
> Change "#if 0" to "#if 1" just a few lines before that to get some more
> info about devices found on the adapter which recently was found.
Changed that, compiled, installed - But I don't get the message in the log.
It seems 

      /* Do a quick directory listing and find the DS1420 id */
      (ret=BUS_select(pn)) || (ret=BUS_first(sn,pn)) ;
      while (ret==0) {
#if 1
        char id[17];
        char id2[17];
        bytes2string(id, sn, 8) ;
        id[16] = 0;
        bytes2string(id2, pn->in->connin.usb.ds1420_address, 8) ;
        id2[16] = 0;
        LEVEL_DEFAULT("Found device [%s] on adapter [%s] (want: %s)\n", id, 
name, id2);
        if(!memcmp(sn, pn->in->connin.usb.ds1420_address, 8)) break;

        (ret=BUS_select(pn)) || (ret=BUS_next(sn,pn)) ;

does never return (ret==0). What next?

Kind regards


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