Hi -

I've committed to CVS the first draft of a new python module called
ownet. It allows for interaction with a remote owserver without the
need to have the core ow libraries and servers built on the local
system. The code is very much in an alpha state so expect things to
break. And if they do, please send a note to the list so that they can
be resolved. This first version can only read data from an owserver.
Setting values is not yet supported.

The module is not automatically installed. Instead, you need to follow
these simple steps:

$ cd module/swig/python/ownet
$ sudo python setup.py install

There should now be a module called ownet in the site-packages
directory of the python installation.

Try running the modules/swig/python/ownet/examples/temperatures.py
program. It should print out something like:

$ python ./examples/temperatures.py  kuro2 9999
r: kuro2:9999/ - DS9490
r.entryList(): ['bus.0', 'settings', 'system', 'statistics']
r.sensorList(): [Sensor("/10.B7B64D000800", server="kuro2",
port="9999"), Sensor("/26.AF2E15000000", server="kuro2", port="9999"),
Sensor("/81.A44C23000000", server="kuro2", port="9999")]
kuro2:9999/10.B7B64D000800 - DS18S20      22.4375
kuro2:9999/26.AF2E15000000 - DS2438      21.0938

- Peter

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