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Date: Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 5:50 PM
Subject: Simple perl program
Dear Paul, dear Jan!
Thanks for your answers!
Paul, I followed your steps and the program is working. I could switch on
and off the DS2405. However, I think it was a misunderstanding. This program
is executed on my real computer just linking to another URL which controls
the owfs running on the NSLU. What I need is a simple perl program executed
on the NSLU but being controlled from the real PC only. Since my watering
plant system should run stand alone on the NSLU and for changing some
parameters I connect my computer to it. This means, I would need a e.g a
simple program (maybe describe it in a better, different way:) running on
the NSLU which, e.g. every second toggles the DS2405 and by connecting the
PC with Firefox, I change this time to every 2 seconds. This interface is
the thing which is absoultely not clear to me. What must run on the NSLU and
how do I access it from a web browser.
E.g. I wrote some code for the ATMEL ATMEGA. Here, it's clear: The program
is executed there and from time to time, I connect the PC and over the RS232
I change some parameters. But with this OWFS I don't understand anything how
it's working. For instance, if I connect a new device, it's perfectly
recognized by this OWFS and displayed in my web browser. My main question
is, how can I MAKE USE of this nice system? And here are only you who can
explain me in this case. E.g. if, for instance, I have to learn better a
programming language, I just buy a book and start to study it, it's easy.
But here, how the executed program on the NSLU is working together with the
firefox I have no idea. Therefore I need such a simple program, to start to
understand the connection.
Jan, sorry, I didn't understand anything you tried to explain to me.
1. What's a "Content-Type:..." header and what does mean "CHECK".
2. What is "wwwrun", a certain file in a certain folder and if so, where it
is placed in the NSLU or on my PC?
3. As far as I know, I have no web SERVER, do I? I have only a web BROWSER
named Firefox. By the way, I don't know what "Apache" is.
4. What do you mean by "enable an extension"? I'm used to files which HAVE a
certain extension, the thing after the full stop, e.g. ".mp3" or ".jpg". Did
you mean I should create an extension, that the file gets the name "test.cgi"
for instance?
So, after all, do you have a more concrete example for me? As I said, I have
this "Unslung 6.8" running on my "NSLU2" with also a running "OWFS 2.7" on
it. It's IP address is "". Over Ethernet I'm connected to a PC
with Windows XP and Firefox. Does this help you?
Paul, by the way, how can I directly post to the mail listing. For sure it's
not convenient for you to put my mails there every time. I registered on
sourceforge but I still cannot post. I always get the error message: "You
are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has been
automatically rejected. If you think that your messages are being rejected
in error, contact the mailing list owner at
Thanks again a lot for your answers & nice greetings,
Ok, you certainly weren't clear in your requirements.
To run a U2 is easy. You wouldn't run it in a web server or browser, but
rather stand-alone.
Something like:
while :
owwrite /tmp/1wire/05.2342342343/PIO 1
sleep 1
owwrite /tmp/1wire/05.2342342343/PIO 0
sleep 1
Now to make changes from your host, there are several ways. Since the NSLU2
is a file server, just have the configuration file be writeable from your XP
host. Or ssh. Or set a web interface (but it certainly is harder to do).
As for the mailing list. Did you try subscribing from this page?
Paul Alfille
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