Just wanted to share some success  I have had with two BAE0910 devices
running my new Aquarium.
The slave now has the ability to provide four outputs with V7 firmware.  The
Host can set the RTC (send seconds since midnight) to the slave and then
simply use the Automation Engine in the BAE to turn ON / OFF outputs at
predetermined times.  I may end up setting the time once every day however
not really required once set and power is available.   I also send the
temperature to the slave which then determines either heater or Cooling fan
speed control.
My two units controls
3 lights
1 pump
1 FAN -Speed control via PWM
1 Heater
If you want to take a look at some sample code see below.  Please note this
code is not optimised and I'm sure there are better ways to accomplish this
however I am happy at this stage it works.
owhttpd simply lets you manipulate any of the slaves parameters so the HOST
can easily control the devices in parallel to the AE running in the slave
Some Considerations:
 1) You need to use owfs and copy both firmware and AE code via the fuse
file system.  I have not been able to upload the AE code through owhttpd,
other than that it works great.
 2) The outputs are not like other 1 wire slaves or PIC's having open drain.
The slave starts up with outputs at 0, you can intialise the outputs high on
powerup however they have a small amount of time at startup at 0v.  This
really only affects 3rd party relay boards and interfaces that are designed
to be energised via a PIC CPU (or DS2406) who's output is pulled high in
normal operation and when the output is ON it takes its output to -VE.
 3) Pascal who designed the device has provided great support
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