Am 18.07.2013 23:43, schrieb Thomas:
> Problem is:
> -with PHP, I read null value... for uncached / cached
> -with owhttpd: uncached is working fine and cache is giving "Error: No such
> file or directory"
> -with owfile system /mnt/1wire/....uncached is working fine and cache is
> "null" value
> -with owread un unix terminal, cached/uncached are working fine and I obtain
> correct results
All the frontends use the same backend - owlib - for both accessing the
bus and caching, so it shouldn't be frontend-dependend whether it works
or not.

Please test more with owread to check if it's reliably working. That
would be very odd. And don't forget to stop any other frontend before
testing, as they may confuse each other.

Kind regards


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