Am 22.07.2013 10:49, schrieb Robert Budde:
> So my question:
> -          What to look for? I2C or Onewire?
I'd look for I²C first. Hook up a scope and check if the rising signal
edges are edgy enough. I²C is picky about that. The transmission gates
in the PCA954x may round the edges additionally. Which pullup resistors
do you use? On the branch lines, too?

Do you use the TDFN package of the DS2483? If yes, make sure to connect
the pad to GND.

> -          The PCA954x should be transparent to the owfs-driver. Is there
> are way to check for hickups? Is the owfs-driver strictly using the
> i2c-kernel-api (just making sure there is no exception from that)?
As the error is hardware-related, I would check this with a logic tester
after doing the scope check for signal edges.

> -          Is somebody successfully using this or a similar setup?
Well, no. But why do you use a I²C switch? The DS2482-800 has eight
onewire outputs and is widely tested, should you really want a star
topology. (I would go for a lobe topology instead in nearly all cases,
as cable length is not the big problem with Onewire.)

Kind regards


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