Am 13.04.2014 09:18, schrieb vermus:
> I have DS9490R and "1-wire bus short circuit" in logs. 
> Cable don't connected. What is this mean? How to test device? 
A possible bug is a shorted DS9503 protective diode in the device. This
happens after static overvoltage on the bus line, e.g. wrongly connected
+12V to 1W. Static discharge is unlikely, the diode is designed to
survive a short peak.

Open the DS9450 (TX5 screw under the label, two clips at the side of the
RJ12 connector. When the device is opened, RJ12 connector facing you,
it's one of the 6-pin chips on the right. Check the right two pins of
either side (front, back) for shortage. If they are shorted, the chip is
fried. De-solder it and put another one onto the board. Or fiddle with
wires (read the DS9503 datasheet!) if you don't have a replacement part
and want to go without the protection diode from now on. CHECK YOUR CABLING!

Kind regards


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