On Thu, May 08, 2014 at 08:15:23PM +0200, Jan Kandziora wrote:
> Am 08.05.2014 17:23, schrieb Chris Green:
> > 
> > If I run owserver do I need owfs as well?  As I said I'm very confused
> >
> The owfs program is the front-end for fuse.
> Any of the programs
> owfs
> owtftp
> owhttpd
> owserver
> ...
> and most of the language bindings (all not ownet) are mere frontends for
> the underlying owlib. They all link to owlib, which is the actual driver
> and controls the bus.
> You may start any of these programs separately, and each of it may use
> owlib to connect directly to a host adaptor or
>       *and this is important*
> to an owserver on the same or another computer which connects to a host
> adaptor on that computer. Think of owserver as a "Onewire over IP Tunnel".
> But there is another use for owserver
>       *and this is important.*
> You may *not* connect more than one owlib using process to the same host
> adaptor, concurrent access doesn't work reliably on that level. With
> USB, you may get the impression it works, but it doesn't. Don't try it,
> it's an endless source of frustration. Instead, use owserver to connect
> to the host adaptor and connect the other programs to owserver instead.
> So check if you have any process running which connects directly to the
> host adaptor and end that process before trying to debug anything.
I'm sorry but I really don't understand still.

How do I know "if you have any process running which connects directly
to the host adaptor"?  

As I said I only actually *need* to see the results in /mnt/1-wire (or
whatever is defined in the owfs.conf file).  

What isn't clear though is which processes *need* to be started and
which processes *may* be started.  The owfs.conf file I'm using is
basically the one that gets installed when installing 'owfs' as a
package in Ubuntu.  It would appear that there is something wrong with
what Ubuntu installs by default because it seems to start owserver,
owhttpd and owftdp but *not* owfs.

In your explanation above (thank you) are you saying that one can
either install/run one of owfs, owftpd, owhttpd just by itself *or* one
installs/runs owserver and then owfs, owftpd and/or owhttpd run as
'clients' of owserver?

My owfs.conf file is now:-

    !server: server = localhost:4304
    server: usb = all
    mountpoint = /mnt/1-wire

    http: port = 2121

    ftp: port = 2120

    server: port = localhost:4304

(I've removed the comments)

This appears to be working with owserver run from /etc/init.d and with
owfs started manually:-

    chris@beaglebone$ ps -ef | grep owfs
    root     18418     1  0 17:16 ?        00:00:02 /usr/bin/owserver -c 
/etc/owfs.conf --pid-file /var/run/owfs/owserver.pid
    root     19228     1  0 17:54 ?        00:00:00 /usr/lib/owfs/owfs -c 

Is this working correctly now?  Do I need both owserver and owfs?  Can
I add owhttpd and/or owftpd?

I'm sorry I seem to be having so much difficulty understanding this
all, what is frustrating is that I had it all working reliably for
some weeks and then it all went wrong (and I didn't think I had
changed anything).

Chris Green

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