Oddly enough I've seen some strange happenings when using an FTDI
based dongle to connect to One-Wire devices via a DS9097U device.
Typically this is running on Linux with the recent releases as of
Gregg C Levine gregg.drw...@gmail.com
"This signature fought the Time Wars, time and again."

On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 9:13 AM, Johan Ström <jo...@stromnet.se> wrote:
> Hi!
> Another specific scenario where slurp is required, I guess, is in
> DS2480_set_baud, where we cannot rely on proper read-back, if the baud rate
> changed.
> So, as you say, slurp is probably required, and it's not worth trying to do
> proper reading, which is bound to fail anyway.
> Thus, my suggestion is to increase the slurp timeout so we can be sure that
> we actually any pending bytes.
> If slurp is only used during initial resets (which is the case for the
> DS2480 and the LINK code, I haven't studied any others), then it is no harm
> to increase this to say 100ms.
> HOWEVER, if any other device-code is using slurp during the normal
> communication flow, a longer timeout would of course hurt.
> The thing with the FTDI parameter is that you cannot really change that
> unless specific support for libftdi is added. Currently the DS2480 code only
> works with a generic serial device, with no information on the underlying
> hardware. So, hard to know when to apply ftdi changes, and even harder to
> identify which port to change..
> As discussed here previously, I've got some ftdi code in owfs working,
> although for the LinkUSB. Should be trivial to port to the DS2480-code, or
> probably most serial-based code. The question is if it makes sense to add
> chip-specific code, when this is only usable if you actually use a
> USB-serial-adapter built on that chip. In the LinkUSB case it makes more
> sense, since the actual "1-wire-product" LinkUSB is built around that chip.
> Anyway, by just raising the slurp timeout, we solve the main issue.
> Controlling the FTDI timeout would however give some speed increase, some
> simple tests shows that with a default of 16ms, the DS2480b reads
> /28.xxxxxxx/power in ~77ms, vs 27ms with 1ms timeout.
> Regarding 0-baud, I think it's only done from serial_powercycle, not sure
> why though. Power-cycle adapters powered directly by the serial-port?
> Since I don't know the use of the code, I cannot really say if this is an
> issue worth addressing. B0 is defined in termios.h so it should certainly be
> a valid value.
> Johan
> On 9/20/14 03:08 , Paul Alfille wrote:
> Thank you, Johan, for the detailed tests.
> The idea of "slurp" was to collect any pending serial traffic and allow
> communication with the bus master to be synchronized. I agree that matching
> expected response exactly is optimal, but that supposes that you start from
> a known clean state. I found in some of my early tests that old data was
> still delivered with the system was restarted.
> Obviously, testing is hardware-specific. The timing was adjusted based on my
> tests -- not very scientific.
> It sounds like you think we should adjust the slurp time-out, and perhaps
> some of the FTDI timing parameters. Also there is a 0-baud issue which we
> should look at fixing on our end as well. Is it the serial "BREAK" or baud
> changed that does it?
> Paul
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 2:57 AM, Johan Ström <jo...@stromnet.se> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've noticed some problems using a FTDI based USB serial dongle together
>> with a DS2480B based adapter (also known as DS9097U).
>> On startup the device was not recognized at all, complaining about wrong
>> responses. Anyone else seen these issues?
>> I've debugged the problem and found the cause.
>> On startup, this is what happens:
>>   DEBUG: ow_ds9097U.c:(287) Attempt 0 of 3 to initialize the DS9097U
>> TRAFFIC OUT <write> bus=0 (/dev/cua-labdesk)
>> Byte buffer anonymous, length=1
>> --000: C1
>>    <.>
>>   DEBUG: ow_ds9097U.c:(381) Send the initial reset to the bus master.
>> TRAFFIC OUT <write> bus=0 (/dev/cua-labdesk)
>> Byte buffer anonymous, length=1
>> --000: 71
>>    <q>
>> TRAFFIC OUT <write> bus=0 (/dev/cua-labdesk)
>> Byte buffer anonymous, length=1
>> --000: 0F
>>    <.>
>>   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(64) attempt 1 bytes Time: 5.000000 seconds
>> TRAFFIC IN  <NETREAD> bus=0 (/dev/cua-labdesk)
>> Byte buffer anonymous, length=1
>> --000: 70
>>    <p>
>>   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(114) read: 1 - 0 = 1
>>   DEBUG: ow_ds9097U.c:(459) wrong response (70 not 00)
>> After each TRAFFIC OUT byte above, a COM_Slurp() is issued to read and
>> remove the response.
>> The response to the 71 command should be 70.. Which is what we see..
>> except that it fails to slurp those bytes, it's actually
>> reading them as the response to the next command.
>> After some further debugging and added printf statements, I realize that
>> COM_slurp fails to read the bytes, and instead just timeouts (1ms).
>> I've been working on my pure-ftdi-branch for the LinkUSB, where I've
>> learned that the FTDI chips by default have a 16ms timeout for small
>> transfers, making them not very efficient when dealing with few bytes
>> like this.
>> Manually changing my USB-serial dongle's setting to 1ms with libftdi,
>> together with a slurp timeout of 2ms, seems to fix the problem. However,
>> the slurp still times out, so I guess the accompanying COM_flush does
>> the trick.. Running with default 16ms FTDI setting, and a slurp timeout
>> of 100ms, DOES succeed with reading the slurped data [1], and all works
>> fine.
>> The "proper" way to solve this is probably to actually read the bytes we
>> expect, not just hope that slurp catches them. However, this might be
>> problematic when changing bitrates etc?
>> The solution used above would  be to give the slurp a longer timeout.
>> Besides that device init would take a few ms longer, would this have any
>> other side effects?
>> >From the DS2480B code at least, it does not seem to slurp anywhere
>> except on device init.
>> For the record, the DS2480B works perfectly fine with my STLab 2 port
>> dongle (MosChip mos78x0 chip).. except that the stable FreeBSD-10 kernel
>> panics when setting baud rate 0, which happens sometimes in OWFS when
>> trying to forcefully reset. This was patched in
>> https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd/commit/120a212c4b16b5137d6acc436b8f5702a5f5bf35
>> but until the fix hits the mainline kernel, I'll have to go with another
>> dongle.
>> Regards
>> Johan
>> [1]
>> This is how a proper session looks, with the responses slurped (FTDI
>> chip 16ms, COM_slurp timeout set to 100ms):
>>   DEBUG: ow_ds9097U.c:(287) Attempt 0 of 3 to initialize the DS9097U
>> TRAFFIC OUT <write> bus=0 (/dev/cua-labdesk)
>> Byte buffer anonymous, length=1
>> --000: C1
>>    <.>
>> TRAFFIC IN  <slurp> bus=0 (/dev/cua-labdesk)
>> Byte buffer anonymous, length=1
>> --000: CD
>>    <.>
>> Slurp timeout 100000 us..
>>   DEBUG: ow_ds9097U.c:(381) Send the initial reset to the bus master.
>> TRAFFIC OUT <write> bus=0 (/dev/cua-labdesk)
>> Byte buffer anonymous, length=1
>> --000: 71
>>    <q>
>> TRAFFIC IN  <slurp> bus=0 (/dev/cua-labdesk)
>> Byte buffer anonymous, length=1
>> --000: 70
>>    <p>
>> Slurp timeout 100000 us..
>> TRAFFIC OUT <write> bus=0 (/dev/cua-labdesk)
>> Byte buffer anonymous, length=1
>> --000: 0F
>>    <.>
>>   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(64) attempt 1 bytes Time: 5.000000 seconds
>> TRAFFIC IN  <NETREAD> bus=0 (/dev/cua-labdesk)
>> Byte buffer anonymous, length=1
>> --000: 00
>>    <.>
>>   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(114) read: 1 - 0 = 1
>>   DEBUG: ow_com_read.c:(83) COM_read, read 1 bytes.
>> read_get=16302.000000us, tcdrain=0.000000us: 1
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