> Am 18.02.2015 um 21:19 schrieb Martin Rapavy:
> > I was exactly in favor of avoiding w1 because of bus polling. It is
> > important for me not to use the bus frequently (the wire is also
> > shared for reading out data from sensors). Do you think that the w1
> > polling might be turned off using w1_master_search (w1 sysfs
> > interface)?
> >
> That's exactly the purpose of this node. OWFS sends an explicit search
> command through the netlink socket to the w1 driver at
>         module/owlib/src/c/ow_w1.c, line 112ff
> so turning off w1_master_search only affects other services which rely
> on it. BUT: depending on your hardware, hot-plugging a battery may
> already rely on this! It's a bit of a pity this is a global flag and
> cannot be turned off by bus. Check your hardware whether it has other
> services on another onewire.

> Second pitfall: if your hardware has several buses, the w1 driver will
> all join them into one.
I guess this is really a deal-breaker. There really might be multiple buses 
(onewire channels) connected to that piece of hardware.

> Nevertheless, patching the DS1WM w1 driver may be sufficient and easy
> enough.
> >> Option B -------- Write a fake I²C host adaptor kernel driver which
> >> creates a new "I²C bus", with your onewire host adaptor the only
> >> device "connected" to that "bus. This may be the easiest option if
> >> your device behaves very much like the original DS2482. OWFS drops
> >> in neatly, no strings attached.
> >
> > I like this approach but I guess I should have been more clear on
> similarity with DS2482 -- it is conceptually similar (hardware based
> multichannel bus master chip) but the interface is different. The
> interface of that custom chip closely matches DS1WM.
> Then this is *not* the way to go.
> >> Option C -------- Memory-mapped IO from userspace, which is *UGH!*.
> >> See module/owlib/src/c/ow/ow_ds2482.c for all the things to write
> >> and change. The disadvantage is owfs has to run as root to do
> >> MMIO.
> > I don't mind running under root. I suppose this is the only feasible
> > option if I don't want to use Linux w1. I will have a look into that
> > source.
> >
> Well, if you don't show it to anyone... (^__^);
I'm aware of non-reusability of that solution but on the other hand also quite 
specific piece of hardware and from your selection of choices I don't see any 
other way. Am I right? 

Best regards,

> Kind regards
>         Jan
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