Writing slave code is quite easy, in fact. Most of the infrastructure is
built into macros.

Take a look at any similar slave e.g. modules/owlib/src/c/ow_2406.c

You add entries in the big structure near the top for the new properties,
include the name, type, length , read and write functions and perhaps
property-specific data (to use similar functions for different properties).

I'll be glad to help.
On Feb 20, 2015 3:41 PM, "Matthias Urlichs" <matth...@urlichs.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> for home automation I'm (finally) going to implement a couple of
> semi-intelligent 1wire slaves. Control the heating system, water the
> garden,
> and other things that can't be done by a central server and dumb 1wire
> slaves because the house will burn down and the yard'll get flooded. ;-)
> (Don't worry, there'll still be other safeguards.)
> However, to actually talk to these things will require some new if there's
> no closely-related existing chip to copy.
> So, is there some sort of "howto" to that process, do I just copy a device
> that sortof seems to do what I want and muddle through -- or do I simply
> email the specs of what I want to do to Paul and let him do it? ;-)
> Regards,
> -- Matthias
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